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Tariff of Charges

This section provides details of our Tariff of Charges for our Savings accounts. We will let you know about any changes to charges at least 30 days in advance.

Returned chequeIf you pay a cheque into your Society account and there are insufficient funds in the account it is drawn on, our bank will return it unpaid and charge us a fee. We will debit your account with this fee.£3.00
Replacement PassbookNo charge, unless you require more than one replacement per year.£5.00
CHAPS (Clearing House Automated Payment System)Transfers by CHAPS in connection with either your mortgage or your savings account can be arranged. If you provide the necessary information on the morning of the transfer, this fee will be charged and debited from your account.£9.00
Same Day Faster PaymentsA fee will be charged for all same day faster payment requests from your mortgage or savings account. This fee will be charged and debited from your account.£3.00

We can issue a replacement for lost or stolen documents, but this may be subject to payment of an administration fee in some circumstances. If you send us something in the post without using the correct postage, we reserve the right to charge you the difference.

If the Society makes a charge for any service outside of this tariff, you will be advised on request, or at the time the service is offered to you.

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