Frequently Asked Questions about ISAs
Here are some of the questions we get asked a lot about ISAs. If you can’t find the answer you’re looking for please contact us via Live Chat.
Here are some of the questions we get asked a lot about ISAs. If you can’t find the answer you’re looking for please contact us via Live Chat.
An Individual Savings Account (ISA) allows you to save or invest money without paying tax on the interest earned.
With an Individual Savings Account (ISA) you don’t pay tax on the interest you earn. You can only currently open a Cash ISA or Lifetime ISA with Bath Building Society but there are also Stocks & Shares ISAs available from other providers.
Every year, starting on 6th April, you will receive a new ISA allowance. The ISA allowance for the current tax year is £20,000. You can split your allowance across the different types of ISA and can pay into multiple accounts of each type, but you may only subscribe to one Lifetime ISA in any tax year.
Please be aware that you can only subscribe to one cash ISA with Bath Building Society each tax year, so you wouldn’t be able to pay into both a Fixed Rate ISA and Instant ISA, for example.
If you are eligible for a Bath Building Society Cash ISA, you can apply for an Instant ISA via this product page or a Fixed Rate ISA via this product page. You can also open an ISA on our Mobile App or at one of our Branches.
No. As the tax-free savings accounts relate to personal tax allowances, you cannot hold an ISA jointly with anyone else.
We currently do not accept transfers of an existing ISA, Junior ISA or Lifetime ISA to Bath Building Society. This status is regularly reviewed.
You may be able to withdraw money from your ISA depending on the terms & conditions of the account you have with us. Any money withdrawn will lose its ISA status unless it is transferred out to another Bath Building Society ISA or another provider.
APS stands for Additional Permitted Subscription. An APS ISA allowance is an additional allowance which is granted to the surviving partner on the death of a spouse or civil partner.