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Buy to Let Lending Criteria

To search for an item in the Society’s lending criteria you can select Buy To Let or Residential criteria then search the relevant category, filter categories by sub category, search a topic or key word. If you have any further questions about our criteria, please contact the Intermediary team. The information on this page is updated daily via Criteria Hub.

  • Age Limits: Maximum Age AT POINT OF APPLICATION


    No limit years

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    No maximum age but affordability must be proven into retirement.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates the maximum age we can accept an applicant to be at the time of an application to be considered for a Buy to Let application.
  • Remortgage purpose: Balance Swap (maximum LTV)


    80 percentage

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    80% max ltv for £ 4 £ re-mortgage

    Criteria description:

    Indicates the maximum loan to value (LTV) a Buy to Let we can accept where the remortgage purpose is a simple balance swap (no additional monies being raised).
  • Source of deposit: Gift From Immediate Family



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Acceptable to bath Building Society.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can accept a gift from an immediate family member as an acceptable source of deposit.
  • Multi Unit Freehold (multiple properties on same title)


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not lend on 'Multi Unit Freehold' properties.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially lend on single title multi-unit properties
  • Can Consider Earned Income in Rental Assessment (Topslicing)



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not consider earned income in affordability assessment.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider applicants earned income in addition to the rental income for a property when calculating the maximum mortgage that can be borrowed.
  • Post Offer Changes



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not allow post offer changes.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we will allow post-offer changes
  • Remortgage purpose: Buy out (maximum LTV)


    80 percentage

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    80% LTV

    Criteria description:

    Indicates the maximum loan to value (LTV) we can accept where the BTL remortgage purpose is to raise funds to buy out a partner or other borrower. 
  • Remortgage purpose: Gift money (maximum LTV)


    80 percentage

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    80% maximum

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we are able, and if so to what loan to value, accept BTL remortgages where the purpose is to raise money to make a gift (for example to children to help with school fees etc or where parent(s) might want to help their children buy their first home).
  • Debt Relief Order (Satisfied)



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can accept Debt Relief Orders if the applicant has been clear for at least 24 months

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can consider an applicant with a satisfied debt relief order
  • Maximum number of students considered on one AST



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will allow up to 2 students on a single AST

    Criteria description:

    Indicates the maximum number of students we can consider on a single AST
  • Back to back (Remortgage - Customer Funded)



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does accept back to back remortgages of this nature providing the original transaction is fully registered at Land Registry.

    Criteria description:

    Back to back is typically where the vendor has owned the property for less than six months, or remortgages where they've owned the property for less than six months.

    Back to back (Remortgage - Customer Funded) indicates if a we will accept applications where the customer has funded the purchase from their own funds and now wish to mortgage the property with a Buy to Let mortgage typically within 6 months of ownership. 
    For example Josh recently purchased a property at auction and now wants to remortgage the property to release funds.
  • Back to back (Remortgage - Inherited)



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does accept back to back remortgages of this nature providing the original transaction is fully registered at Land Registry.

    Criteria description:

    Back to back (Remortgage - Inherited) indicates if we can accept applications where the customer has inherited a property and now wish to mortgage it on a Buy to Let basis typically within 6 months of ownership.

  • Back to Back (Remortgage - Bridging)



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does accept back to back remortgages of this nature providing the original transaction is fully registered at Land Registry.

    Criteria description:

    Back to back is typically where the vendor has owned the property for less than six months, or remortgages where they've owned the property for less than six months.

    Back to Back (Remortgage - Bridging) indicates if we will accept applications where the customer has funded the purchase from a bridging loan and now wish to mortgage the property.
  • Can extend mortgage offer



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Offers valid for 6 months. The application can be considered if it falls outside of this, but it will have to be reassessed and on the products available at the time. Refer to Lender.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially extend a clients mortgage offer beyond the standard expiry.
  • Property with Restrictive Covenant Section 106



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does lend on properties that have a section 106 restrictive covenant, subject to mortgagee in possession clause. Refer to Lender.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept Buy to Let applications on properties that are subject to a Section 106 restrictive covenant.
  • Individual Voluntary Arrangements - IVA (Years since registered)


    4 years

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Registered over 4 years ago.

    Criteria description:

    Displays if we accept Buy to Let applications from borrowers who have had an IVA and if so how many years ago it must have been registered. An IVA is registered when a payment plan is agreed with the creditors. 

    IMPORTANT NOTE: An IVA usually stays on the credit file for 6 years from the date it was REGISTERED not from the date it was satisfied which typically occurs 5 years after the date the IVA was entered into (the registered date). This is important because some lenders will specify how long it must have been satisfied for and others will use how long ago it was registered. 

    This criteria displays how long ago it must have been registered so you must read the policy notes carefully to check if the lender specifies how long ago it must have been satisfied as well.


    must have been satisfied for at least 3 years
  • Lending against Uplifted Value following Refurbishment Works



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will use the uplifted value in this situation. Refer to Lender.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially offer a remortgage and use the uplifted value of the property following recent works of improvement. For example, Jon purchases a property for £150,000 and spend a couple of months doing the place up following which the property is now worth £250,000. Jon now wants to find a lender who will allow him to raise capital based on the newly enhanced value.
  • Remortgage Purpose: Purchase share of freehold



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can consider remortgage applications with capital raising to purchase a share of the freehold.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider capital raising on a remortgage where the purpose of the funds is to purchase a share of the freehold
  • Property Issues: Absentee freeholder



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can consider a BTL application with an absentee freeholder providing the solicitor confirms indemnity insurance would fully protect.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially assist with a BTL application where there is an absentee freeholder.
  • Property with acreage



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    As long as no commercial activity is taking place. Up to 6 acres max

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept properties that have a significant amount of land (properties that have acreage).
  • Property Type: Flat above commercial offices



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Refer to lender.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept flats that are above commercial offices.
  • Property Construction: Flying Freehold



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    No more than 15% flying freehold

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept properties where there exists a flying freehold.
  • Multi Unit Minimum Floor Area of each Unit Requirement (Sq Meters)



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Each flat must have a minimum of 30sqm.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if there is a minimum square meterage requirement on a single title multi unit property
  • House/Bungalow Maximum LTV (New Build)


    80 percentage

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can potentially lend up to 80% on new build houses/bungalows.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates the maximum potential loan to value (LTV) we can accept where the property type is a NEW BUILD house/bungalow.
  • Applicant not on electoral register



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can consider an applicant who is not on electoral register. Subject to explanation and proof of address.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we will consider a buy to let application for an applicant who is not on the electoral register


    Subject to explanation and proof of address.
  • Remortgage purpose: Debt Consolidation (maximum LTV)


    Not Acceptable percentage

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Not acceptable.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates the maximum loan to value (LTV) we will accept where there is an element of debt consolidation on a remortgage application.
  • Regulated Buy to Let (Let to Family Member)



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can potentially accept 'Regulated Buy to Let' applications. Any rental income will be ignored and the application must pass the Society’s standard affordability test.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider Buy to Let applications where the intention is to Let the property to a family member.


    Any rental income will be ignored and the application must pass the Society’s standard affordability test.
  • Limited Company (Trading) applicant definition


    Directors & Shareholders

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    All shareholders must be directors for the Society to consider the application. All directors must be an applicant with a personal guarantee. Companies whose primary business is not property letting must have been trading for at least 3 years.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we consider both 'Directors AND Shareholders' as applicants or 'Directors' only when assessing applications from Trading Ltd Companies.


    Companies whose primary business is not property letting must have been trading for at least 3 years.
  • Limited Company (Trading) shareholders required to provide personal guarantees



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    All shareholders must be directors for the Society to consider the application.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we require shareholders in a 'Trading' Limited Company to provide personal guarantees as well as the 'Directors'.
  • Limited Company (SPV) applicant definition


    Directors & Shareholders

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    All shareholders must be directors for the Society to consider the application. All directors must be applicants.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we consider both 'Directors AND Shareholders' as applicants or 'Directors' only when assessing applications from Special Purpose Vehicle Ltd Companies.


    All directors must be applicants.
  • Limited Company (SPV) shareholders required to provide personal guarantees



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    All shareholders must be directors. All directors must be an applicant with a personal guarantee.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we require shareholders in a 'Special Purpose Vehicle' Limited Company to provide personal guarantees as well as the 'Directors'.
  • Can use valuers rental estimate even if higher than actual existing rent



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Not acceptable.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially use the valuer's estimate when assessing loan affordability even if the actual rent being received is less than the estimate. For example, this situation could arise on remortgage applications where the existing tenant is paying below the market estimate (based on the valuer's rental valuation).
  • Can use actual existing rent when higher than valuers estimate



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Not acceptable.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially use the actual rent received from an existing tenant when it is higher than the valuer's estimate. For example, this situation could arise on remortgage applications where, in the valuer's opinion, the market rent is lower than what the landlord is currently receiving.
  • Maximum Number of CCJs (Satisfied)


    No Maximum

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Maximum £500 registered in last 3 years, satisfied at application.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can consider Buy to Let applications from applicants with previously satisfied CCJs and if so what the maximum allowable number registered against an applicant is. For example, applicant 'A' has 3 previously satisfied CCJs in the past 6 years and Lender 'A' says the maximum number they will allow is 2 registered on the applicants credit file. Therefore applicant 'A' would be unable to apply for a mortgage with Lender 'A' at this time. Other factors may also be factored in such as (but no limited to) total value and other adverse credit.
  • Defaults registered between 24 to 36 Months


    Potentially Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Max £2,500 Satisfied over 2 years.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept applicants that have had any Defaults registered more than 24 months ago and less than 36 months ago on Buy to Let applications. Other factors will also be taken into consideration such as, but by no means limited to, number of adverse, value and the overall credit profile of an applicant.
  • Maximum Unsecured Arrears in last 24 Months



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Maximum status 1 in the last 2 years and must be satisfied for at least 12 months.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept Buy to Let applications from an applicant who has unsecured arrears in the past 2 years and if so what is the maximum number of missed payments in the past 2 years that can be accepted.
  • Arrears (unsecured)



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Maximum status 1 in the last 2 years (Utilities & mobiles ignored up to £250).

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we are able to potentially accept Buy to Let  applications where one or more applicant(s) has a history of unsecured loan arrears.
  • Debt Management Plan (satisfied)



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Must be satisfied for over 2 years.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept a Buy to Let application from an applicant who has previously had a debt management plan that is now satisfied.
  • Debt Management Plan (Current/Unsatisfied)


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not accept applicants who have a current/unsatisfied debt management plan.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept a Buy to Let application from an applicant who is currently in a debt management plan.
  • Late Payments (Not Missed)



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Maximum status 1 in the last 2 years

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if a we can potentially consider buy to let applications from applicants who have a history of late payments (NOT REGISTERED AS MISSED) on any credit agreements they hold.
  • Defaults registered over 36 Months ago


    Potentially Ignored

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Max £2,500 Satisfied over 2 years.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially ignore Defaults that were registered more than 36 months ago on Buy to Let applications. Other factors will also be taken into consideration such as, but by no means limited to, number of adverse, value and the overall credit profile of an applicant.
  • Individual Voluntary Arrangements - IVA (Years satisfied)


    3 years

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Satisfied for over 3 years.

    Criteria description:

    Displays if we accept Buy to Let applications from borrowers who have had an IVA and if so how many years it must have been satisfied for. An IVA is satisfied when the payment plan has been completed. 

    IMPORTANT NOTE: An IVA usually stays on the credit file for 6 years from the date it was REGISTERED not from the date it was satisfied which typically occurs 5 years after the date the IVA was entered into (the registered date). This is important because some lenders will specify how long it must have been satisfied for and others will use how long ago it was registered.

    This criteria displays how long ago it must have been satisfied so you should read the policy notes carefully to check if the lenders specifies how long ago it must have been registered.

  • Individual Voluntary Arrangements (IVA)



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Satisfied for over 3 years.

    Criteria description:

    Specifies if we are able to potentially consider a Buy to Let application from an applicant who has previously had an Individual Voluntary Arrangement (IVA) registered against them. 

    IMPORTANT NOTE: An IVA usually stays on the credit file for 6 years from the date it was REGISTERED not from the date it was satisfied which typically occurs 5 years after the date the IVA was entered into (the registered date). This is important because some lenders will specify how long it must have been satisfied for and others will use how long ago it was registered.

    This criteria displays if a person who has had an IVA can be considered on a general level but you should read the policy notes and related criteria carefully to dig deeper with regard your clients specific situation.

  • Maximum Value of Defaults (Satisfied)



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Max £2,500 Satisfied over 2 years.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider Buy to Let applications from applicants with previously satisfied Defaults and if so what the maximum allowable value of all registered against an applicant is. For example, applicant 'A' has 3 previously satisfied Defaults in the past 6 years totaling £1,230 and Lender 'A' says the maximum value they will allow is £500 registered on the applicants credit file. Therefore applicant 'A' would be unable to apply for a mortgage with Lender 'A' at this time. Other factors may also be factored in such as (but no limited to) total number registered and other adverse credit registered against the applicant.
  • Maximum Number of Defaults (Satisfied)


    No Maximum

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Max £2,500 Satisfied over 2 years.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can consider Buy to Let applications from applicants with previously satisfied Defaults and if so what the maximum allowable number registered against an applicant is. For example, applicant 'A' has 3 previously satisfied Defaults in the past 6 years and Lender 'A' says the maximum number they will allow is 2 registered on the applicants credit file. Therefore applicant 'A' would be unable to apply for a mortgage with Lender 'A' at this time. Other factors may also be factored in such as (but no limited to) total value and other adverse credit.
  • CCJs registered over 36 Months ago


    Potentially Ignored

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Maximum £500 registered in last 3 years, satisfied at application.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially ignore CCJs that were registered more than 36 months ago on Buy to Let applications. Other factors will also be taken into consideration such as, but by no means limited to, number of adverse, value and the overall credit profile of an applicant.
  • CCJs registered between 24 to 36 Months


    Potentially Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Maximum £500 registered in last 3 years, satisfied at application.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept applicants that have had any CCJs registered more than 24 months ago and less than 36 months ago on Buy to Let applications. Other factors will also be taken into consideration such as, but by no means limited to, number of adverse, value and the overall credit profile of an applicant.
  • CCJs registered between 12 to 24 Months


    Potentially Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Maximum £500 registered in last 3 years, satisfied at application.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept applicants that have had any CCJs registered more than 12 months ago and less than 24 months ago on Buy to Let applications. Other factors will also be taken into consideration such as, but by no means limited to, number of adverse, value and the overall credit profile of an applicant.
  • CCJs registered between 3 to 12 Months


    Potentially Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Maximum £500 registered in last 3 years, satisfied at application.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept applicants that have had any CCJs registered more than 3 months ago and less than 12 months ago on Buy to Let applications. Other factors will also be taken into consideration such as, but by no means limited to, number of adverse, value and the overall credit profile of an applicant.
  • Maximum Value of CCJs (Satisfied)



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Maximum £500 registered in last 3 years, satisfied at application.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider Buy to Let applications from applicants with previously satisfied CCJs and if so what the maximum allowable value of all registered against an applicant is. For example, applicant 'A' has 3 previously satisfied CCJs in the past 6 years totaling £1,230 and Lender 'A' says the maximum value they will allow is £500 registered on the applicants credit file. Therefore applicant 'A' would be unable to apply for a mortgage with Lender 'A' at this time. Other factors may also be factored in such as (but no limited to) total number registered and other adverse credit registered against the applicant.
  • Telecommunications Adverse Ignored



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Utilities & mobiles ignored up to £250.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially ignore telecommunications adverse credit on Buy to Let applications.
  • Months passed where Mortgage Arrears can be ignored


    36 months

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not consider applicants with any mortgage arrears on their credit file within the last 3 years.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially ignore mortgage arrears that are historic and if so at what point they can potentially be ignored when assessing Buy to Let mortgage applications.
  • Discharged Bankrupt (years)


    3 years

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can potentially accept a discharged bankrupt if the bankruptcy has been satisfied for over 3 years.

    Criteria description:

    Displays if we can accept discharged bankrupts on Buy to Let applications and if so how long a client has to have been discharged for. 
  • Arrears (secured/mortgage)



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Maximum status 1 in the last 2 years and must be satisfied for at least 12 months.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept Buy to Let applications from applicants that have a history of mortgage or secured loan arrears.
  • Holiday Lets



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will accept Holiday Lets properties on our specific Holiday Let products. A minimum personal income of £20,000.00 is needed.

    Holiday Lets in Scotland will need to have a a valid licence or undertake to obtain one on any new purchase.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider applications from borrowers that wish to Let the property on a Holiday Let basis.


    Holiday Let sites not acceptable.
  • Maximum Number of CCJs (Unsatisfied)



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not consider applicants with unsatisfied CCJs.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can consider Buy to Let applications from applicants with unsatisfied CCJs and if so what the maximum allowable number registered against an applicant is. For example, applicant 'A' has 3 previously unsatisfied CCJs in the past 6 years and Lender 'A' says the maximum number they will allow is 2 registered on the applicants credit file. Therefore applicant 'A' would be unable to apply for a mortgage with Lender 'A' at this time. Other factors may also be factored in such as (but no limited to) total value and other adverse credit.
  • Flat/Maisonette Maximum LTV (Standard)


    80 percentage

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can lend on flats and maisonettes to a maximum of 80% LTV

    Please note we do not lend on converted office premises.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates the maximum potential loan to value (LTV) we can accept where the property type is a flat or maisonette and it is NOT considered a new build.
  • Ltd Co BTL: Source of deposit is from applicants other company


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    This Society won't accept a deposit from another Ltd Company

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we consider a Limited Company Buy to Let application where the source of deposit is from applicants other company
  • Multi Unit Freehold Maximum Number of Flats



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building will accept up to 3 flats in a Multi Unit Freehold.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates the maximum number of units permitted on a single title multi unit property
  • Tenants: Letting whole property via AirBnB



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society allows borrowers to Let properties via AirBnB or similar on our Holiday Let products only.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider applications from borrowers that wish to Let the entire property via services such as AirBnB and similar.


    We would not accept this on our BTL or MUFB plans.
  • Maximum Value of Defaults (Unsatisfied)



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not consider applicants with unsatisfied Defaults.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider Buy to Let applications from applicants with unsatisfied Defaults and if so what the maximum allowable value of all registered against an applicant is. For example, applicant 'A' has 3 unsatisfied Defaults in the past 6 years totaling £1,230 and Lender 'A' says the maximum value they will allow is £500 registered on the applicants credit file. Therefore applicant 'A' would be unable to apply for a mortgage with Lender 'A' at this time. Other factors may also be factored in such as (but no limited to) total number registered and other adverse credit registered against the applicant.
  • Maximum Number of Defaults (Unsatisfied)



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not consider applicants with unsatisfied Defaults.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can consider Buy to Let applications from applicants with unsatisfied Defaults and if so what the maximum allowable number registered against an applicant is. For example, applicant 'A' has 3 previously unsatisfied Defaults in the past 6 years and Lender 'A' says the maximum number they will allow is 2 registered on the applicants credit file. Therefore applicant 'A' would be unable to apply for a mortgage with Lender 'A' at this time. Other factors may also be factored in such as (but no limited to) total value and other adverse credit.
  • Maximum Value of CCJs (Unsatisfied)



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not consider applicants with unsatisfied CCJs.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can consider Buy to Let applications from applicants with unsatisfied CCJs and if so what the maximum allowable value of all registered against an applicant is. For example, applicant 'A' has 3 unsatisfied CCJs in the past 6 years totaling £1,230 and Lender 'A' says the maximum value they will allow is £500 registered on the applicants credit file. Therefore applicant 'A' would be unable to apply for a mortgage with Lender 'A' at this time. Other factors may also be factored in such as (but no limited to) total number registered and other adverse credit registered against the applicant.
  • Minimum Property Value for standard Buy to Let lending



    Criteria Policy Notes:


    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we have a minimum property value they require for new Buy to Let applications.
  • Property Factors: Overhead power lines



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can potentially lend on properties that have overhead power lines running above them. If the line do not run directly over the property we can potentially consider a case.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially lend on properties that have overhead power lines running above them.
  • Property Type: Grade 2 Listed Building



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can potentially lend on properties that are classified as a Grade 2 Listed Building.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider lending on property classified as a Grade 2 Listed Building. Categories of listed buildings in England & Wales: Grade I: buildings of exceptional interest. Grade II*: particularly important buildings of more than special interest. Grade II: buildings that are of special interest, warranting every effort to preserve them.


    Refer to lender.
    Assessed on a case by case basis
  • Property Type: Grade 1 listed building



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can potentially lend on properties that are classified as a Grade 1 Listed Building.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider lending on property classified as a Grade 1 listed building. Categories of listed buildings in England & Wales: Grade I: buildings of exceptional interest. Grade II*: particularly important buildings of more than special interest. Grade II: buildings that are of special interest, warranting every effort to preserve them.


    Refer to lender.
    Assessed on a case by case basis
  • Sharia Compliant Mortgages


    Not Available

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not offer Sharia compliant mortgages.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can offer Sharia compliant Buy to Let mortgages.
  • Company BTL affordability assessment


    ICR based

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Rent must cover a minimum of 125% of pay rate + 2% but must never be less than 5.5%. If the interest rate is fixed for a period of 5 years or more, rent must cover 125% of pay rate.

    Criteria description:

    This relates to the potential rental calculation we will apply. 
  • HMO BTL affordability assessment


    does not offer HMO BTL

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not accept HMO applications

    Criteria description:

    This relates to the potential rental calculation we will apply. 
  • Standard BTL affordability assessment


    ICR based

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Basic rate taxpayer - Rent must cover a minimum of 125% of pay rate + 2% but must never be less than 5.5%*
    High-rate taxpayer - Rent must cover a minimum of 145% of pay rate + 2% but must never be less than 5.5%*

    *If the interest rate is fixed for a period of 5 years or more, rent must cover 125/145% of pay rate

    Criteria description:

    This relates to the potential rental calculation we will apply. 
  • Layered company Ltd BTL


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    This is not acceptable to the Society.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we will consider a Limited Company Buy to Let application from a layered Ltd Company
  • Limited Company Maximum Age of Director / Shareholder / Applicant at application


    No Maximum

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    The Society has no maximum age for buy to let applications.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates the maximum age an applicant can be at application.


    Affordability must be proven into retirement.
  • Purchase from Individual Name to Limited Company (Related Transaction)



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    The Society can consider an application Limited Company wishes to purchase a property from one of its directors or shareholders.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept an application where a Limited Company wishes to purchase a property from one of its directors or shareholders. This is typically referred to as a 'Related Transaction'.


    We do not accept an undervalue purchase of this nature.
  • Limited Company (Trading) Min Trading Period


    36 months

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Companies whose primary business is not property letting must have been trading for at least 3 years.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if there is a minimum trading period for 'Trading Limited Companies' and if so how long IN MONTHS this is.
  • Limited Company (Trading) maximum number of applicants



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    The maximum applicants allowed is 4.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates the maximum number of applicants we can consider when lending to Trading Limited Companies


    All shareholders must be directors. All directors must be applicants.
  • Limited Company Buy to Let (Trading Company - No SPV)



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Companies whose primary business is not property letting must have been trading for at least 3 years.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept Buy to Let applications from Trading Limited Companies. Trading Limited Companies are companies that are not set up exclusively for the purpose of buying property for example a trading ltd company that sells furniture as its primary function.
  • Limited Company (SPV) Minimum trading period


    No Minimum months

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Companies formed solely for the purpose of property letting (SPV’s) are acceptable from day one.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if there is a minimum trading period for 'Special Purpose Vehicle Limited Companies' and if so how long IN MONTHS this is.
  • Limited Company (SPV) maximum number of applicants



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    The Society can consider a maximum of 4 applicants.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates the maximum number of applicants we can consider when lending to Special Purpose Vehicle Limited Companies.


    All shareholders must be directors. All directors must be applicants.
  • Limited Company Buy to Let (Special Purpose Vehicle SPV)



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Companies formed solely for the purpose of property letting (SPV’s) are acceptable from day one.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept Buy to Let applications from Limited Companies where the Ltd company is set up as a 'Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV)'.
  • Limited Company Buy to Let



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    The Society can accept applications from Limited Companies.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept Buy to Let applications from Limited Companies


    • Companies whose primary business is not property letting must have been trading for at least 3 years.
    • Companies formed solely for the purpose of property letting (SPV’s) are acceptable from day one.
    • Personal Guarantees are required from all Company Directors.
    • Top-slicing is NOT permitted
  • HMO rental valuation assessment


    We do not accept HMO applications

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not accept HMO applications.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially use the HMO rental valuation as opposed to standard AST valuation for HMO applications
  • Remortgage purpose: HMO conversion back to standard residence


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not consider a remortgage application where an existing HMO property will be converted to a standard residence.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider a remortgage application where an existing HMO will be converted back to a standard residence
  • HMO: Communal area in the property


    We do not accept HMO applications

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not accept HMO applications.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider an HMO application without a communal area in the property
  • HMO Minimum Applicant Experience


    We do not accept HMO applications months

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not accept HMO applications.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we require applicants to have a minimum HMO experience and if so how much (IN MONTHS)
  • HMO Minimum Double Bedroom Square Metre


    We do not accept HMO applications

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not accept HMO applications.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we have a minimum square metreage requirement on a double bedroom and if so what it is.
  • HMO Minimum Single Bedroom Square Metre


    We do not accept HMO applications

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not accept HMO applications.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we have a minimum square metreage requirement on a single bedroom and if so what it is.
  • HMO Maximum LTV


    We do not accept HMO applications

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not accept HMO applications.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates the maximum LTV we can consider for Buy to Let applications on HMO properties
  • HMO First Time Landlord


    We do not accept HMO applications

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not accept HMO applications.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can consider a Buy to Let application on an HMO property from a first time landlord.
  • HMO Maximum Number of Kitchens


    We do not accept HMO applications

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not accept HMO applications.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates the maximum number of kitchens permitted by us in an HMO property
  • HMO Maximum Number of Storeys


    We do not accept HMO applications

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not accept HMO applications.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates the maximum number of storeys permitted on HMO properties.
  • HMO Minimum Property Value


    We do not accept HMO applications

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not accept HMO applications.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we specify a minimum property value for HMO properties and if so what it is.
  • HMO Unlicensed Acceptable


    We do not accept HMO applications

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not accept HMO applications.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept Buy to Let applications on Houses of Multiple Occupation (HMOs) that are 'unlicensed'
  • HMO Maximum Number of Bedrooms


    We do not accept HMO applications

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not accept HMO applications.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we have a maximum number of bedrooms allowed on HMO properties and if so how many
  • House of Multiple Occupation (HMO's)


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not lend on 'Houses of Multiple Occupation (HMO)'.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept Buy to Let applications on Houses of Multiple Occupation (HMOs)
  • EU Nationals with a ‘settled status’



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does lend to EU Nationals with a ‘settled status’ under the EU Settlement Scheme.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider buy to let applications from EU Nationals with a ‘settled status’ under the EU Settlement Scheme
  • EU Nationals with a ‘pre-settled status’



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does lend to EU Nationals with a ‘pre-settled status’ under the EU Settlement Scheme

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider buy to let applications from EU Nationals with a ‘pre-settled status’ under the EU Settlement Scheme
  • Age Limits: Maximum age for self employed borrowers


    No Maximum years

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    No maximum age for BTL borrowers.

    Criteria description:

    Specifies the maximum age we can potentially consider on a but to let application for a self employed borrower
  • Source of deposit: Redundancy payment



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can potentially accept a redundancy payment as an acceptable source of deposit.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates whether or not we will accept a redundancy payment as an acceptable source of deposit on a BTL application. 


    Subject to this being from a previous employment, and current employment meeting our criteria.
  • Source of deposit: Loan from immediate family


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society is unable to accept deposits where the source is a loan from immediate family

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can accept a loan from an immediate family member as an acceptable source of deposit on a buy to let application.
  • Property factor: Spray foam insulation



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can potentially lend on properties with spray foam insulation.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider properties where there is spray foam insulation


    Subject to valuer's comments.
  • Property usage: Agricultural restrictions


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not lend on properties with agricultural restrictions.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept properties that have agricultural restrictions.
  • Property Construction: Cornish construction


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not lend on cornish construction properties.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider properties where the construction type is Cornish
  • Let to move in with family


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    The applicant must be an owner-occupier.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we will allow an applicant to remortgage their current residential property onto a Buy to Let mortgage and then move in with family as opposed to purchasing a new main residence.
  • Remortgage purpose: Repay residential (Maximum LTV)


    80 percentage

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society has a maximum LTV of 80% when remortgaging with capital raising to repay their residential mortgage.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates the maximum loan to value (LTV) we can accept where the BTL remortgage purpose is to repay the customer's residential mortgage.
  • Maximum Loan to Value (LTV)


    80 percentage

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society has a maximum of 80% LTV on BTL.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates the maximum LTV we can consider for Buy to Let applications
  • Offer expiry time (Standard)


    180 days

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    6 months

    Criteria description:

    Displays the number of days a STANDARD Buy to Let mortgage offer is valid for.
  • Lending Location: Scotland



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does lend on properties in mainland Scotland and the following islands:

    • The Shetlands
    • The Orkneys
    • Arran
    • Bute
    • Skye
    • Harris & Lewis
    • Mull
    • Islay

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider lending on properties located in Scotland.


    Please note, that valuations can take longer to book in the Scottish Isles.
  • Purchase from Limited Company to Individual Name (Related Transaction)



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can consider this.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept an application where the purchaser is looking to purchase a property from a limited company for which he/she is a shareholder.


    Purchase would have to be "at arms length".
  • Offer expiry time (New Build)


    180 days

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    All offers are valid for 6 months

    Criteria description:

    Displays the number of days a NEW BUILD Buy to Let mortgage offer is valid for.
  • Let to Buy (Remortgage current residential to Buy to Let)



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can potentially accept Let to Buy applications where looking to convert the existing residential mortgage to a Buy to Let mortgage with us

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept applications to remortgage onto a buy to let basis when the current mortgage is residential.


    Must have an onward purchase.
  • Maximum Loan Size (80% LTV)



    Criteria Policy Notes:


    Criteria description:

    Indicates the maximum potential loan size we can consider lending at 80% loan to value or less. Be aware that this relates to the maximum and other factors may reduce this maximum such as property type etc.
  • House/Bungalow Maximum LTV (Standard)


    80 percentage

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can lend on houses/bungalows to a maximum of 80% LTV

    Criteria description:

    Indicates the maximum potential loan to value (LTV) we can accept where the property type is a house or bungalow and it is NOT considered a new build.
  • Flat/Maisonette Maximum LTV (New Build)


    80 percentage

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can lend on New build flats and maisonettes to a maximum of 80% LTV

    Criteria description:

    Indicates the maximum potential loan to value (LTV) we can accept where the property type is a NEW BUILD flat or NEW BUILD maisonette.
  • Property factors: Next to commercial (Class A4 – drinking establishments)


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not lend on properties that border class A4 commercial premises.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially lend on a property where it borders Class A4 commercial premises. Class A4 businesses are drinking establishments.
  • Property factors: Next to commercial (Class A3 – food and drink)


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not lend on properties that border class A3 commercial premises.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially lend on a property where it borders Class A3 commercial premises. Class A3 businesses are for food and drink.
  • Property factors: Next to commercial (Class A2 – professional services)



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can potentially lend on properties that border class A2 commercial premises.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially lend on a property where it borders Class A2 commercial premises. Class A2 businesses are professional services.
  • Property factors: Next to commercial (Class A1 – shops and retail outlets)



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can potentially lend on properties that border class A1 commercial premises.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially lend on a property where it borders Class A1 commercial premises. Class A1 businesses are shops and retail.
  • Number of credit reference agencies used



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    We underwrite all cases manually and use Equifax as a credit agency.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates the number of credit reference agencies we may use during the entire application process. 
  • Arrangement fees can be added when exceeding product LTV limits



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not allow fees to be added where it means the product loan to value limits will be exceeded.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we allow borrowers to add the arrangement fee (where one is payable) to the mortgage advance where this will mean the product loan to value will be exceeded.
  • Arrangement fees can be added when exceeding lending LTV limits



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not allow fees to be added where it means the lending loan to value limits will be exceeded.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we allow borrowers to add the arrangement fee (where one is payable) to the mortgage advance where this will mean the max lending policy loan to value will be exceeded. 
  • Green mortgage


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society is unable to consider a Green Mortgage buy to let application

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept a Green Mortgage buy to let application.
  • Legal: No search indemnity insurance (remortgages)


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society is unable to accept ‘no-search indemnity insurance’ for a remortgage application

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept ‘no-search indemnity insurance’ for a remortgage application
  • Legal: No search indemnity insurance (purchases)


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society is unable to accept ‘no-search indemnity insurance’ for a purchase application

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept ‘no-search indemnity insurance’ for a purchase application
  • Legal: Private local authority search (remortgages)


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society is unable to accept a private local authority search for a remortgage application

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept a private local authority search for a remortgage application
  • Legal: Private local authority search (purchases)


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society is unable to accept a private local authority search for a purchase application

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept a private local authority search for a purchase application
  • Visas: Working Visa (Tier 1 - Investors, entrepreneurs and talent visas)


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not consider applicants that hold a 'Tier 1' working visa.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept a buy to let application from an applicant that holds a Working Tier 1 Visa. These visas can be issued to Entrepreneurs, Exceptional Talents, Graduate Entrepreneurs, and Investors.
  • Financial Associates with Adverse


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not accept applicants that are financially associated with persons that have adverse credit.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept Buy to Let applications from an applicant who is financially associated with someone who has adverse credit.
  • Property Construction: Mundic block



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can potentially lend on properties where the construction type is mundic block.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept applications on properties where the construction type is Mundic block.


    Subject valuers comments and petrographic test
  • Property being purchased at auction



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will consider a Buy to Let application where the property will be purchased at auction

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider an application where the property will be purchased at auction
  • Advisor Own Application



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will accept applications from advisors applying for their own mortgage.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept Buy to Let applications from an advisor wishing to apply for his or her own mortgage.
  • Purchase applications where existing tenants will remain in the property



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can potentially accept situations on purchase applications where there is a tenant in situ at the property where it is the intention to allow them to remain as the ongoing tenant.

    The tenant must be occupying the property on an AST

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept situations where the property being purchased on a Buy to Let basis has an existing tenant who wishes to remain in the property and therefore vacant possession on completion would not exist.
  • Income made up primarily of benefits


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not accept applicants income that is made up primarily of benefits.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept income where it is primarily made up of benefits. An example of this would be where benefit income exceeds earned income or represents more than 50% of total income.
  • Debt Related: Payday loan (previous)



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does accept applicants that have had a previous payday loan must be clear for at least 12 months

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept a Buy to Let application from a borrower who has had a payday loan in the past but is not currently in a payday loan credit agreement.
  • Inter-family sales (no discount)



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can potentially consider an application from an inter-family sale with no discount being offered

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can consider an inter-family buy to let application with no discount being offered
  • Sole application joint proprietor


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not consider applications on a sole application joint proprietor basis

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider applications on a sole application joint proprietor basis. This is where a property will be jointly owned but only one person will be named on the mortgage and is distinctly different to the more common Joint Application Sole Proprietor where only one party would own the property but there are two named on the mortgage.
  • Split Mortgage Terms



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can offer mortgages with split term durations

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider an application with a split term. For example, an applicant wishes to take one part of their mortgage over 25 years and another part over 10 years.
  • Visas: Working Visa (Tier 2 - Long-term work visas)


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not consider applicants that hold a 'Tier 2' working visa.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept a buy to let application from an applicant that holds a Working Tier 2 Visa. These visas can be issued to General workers who've been offered a skilled position in the UK, Intra-company Transfers, Ministers of Religion and Sportspersons.
  • Visas: Family Visa (Spousal etc)


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not consider applicants that hold a family visa.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider applicants who hold a Family Visa. Types of Family Visas are spouse or partner, fiancé, fiancée or proposed civil partner, child, parent or relative who’ll provide long-term care for you.
  • Guaranteed rental scheme


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not consider applications where a Guaranteed Rental Scheme will be set up

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if a we will consider applications on a Guaranteed Rent Scheme
  • Remortgage purpose: Capital raise for BTL where property not yet found


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not consider remortgage applications with capital raising for a BTL property where a property is not yet found

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider remortgage applications with capital raising for a BTL property where the property has not yet been found. Essentially they want to put themselves in the position of a cash buyer with the funds accessible ready for when they find their property.
  • Remortgage purpose: School/Education fees



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can potentially consider capital raising on a remortgage where the purpose of the funds is education or school fees

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider capital raising on a remortgage where the purpose of the funds is education or school fees
  • Remortgage purpose: Medical expenses



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can potentially consider capital raising on a remortgage where the purpose of the funds is medical expenses

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider capital raising on a remortgage where the purpose of the funds is medical expenses
  • Remortgage purpose: Lifestyle (holidays, car's, non essential spending etc)


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not consider capital raising on a remortgage where the purpose of the funds is lifestyle (holidays, car's, non essential spending etc)

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider capital raising on a remortgage where the purpose of the funds is lifestyle (holidays, car's, non essential spending etc)
  • Remortgage purpose: Personal investments (not property related)


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not consider capital raising on a remortgage where the purpose of the funds is personal investments

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider capital raising on a remortgage where the purpose of the funds is personal investments
  • Unadopted Roads



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can potentially consider a property with unadopted roads

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider a property with unadopted roads
  • Property Ownership: Shared access or shared services



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can potentially consider a property with shared access or shared services

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider a property with shared access or shared services


  • Property Issues: Overage Clause


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not consider a property with an Overage Clause

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider a property with an Overage Clause
  • Property Construction: Large Panel System (LPS)


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not lend on properties where the construction type is Large Panel System (LPS)

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider properties where the construction type is Large Panel System (LPS)
  • Ex MOD properties



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can potentially consider an application on an ex MOD property

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can consider lending on an ex MOD property on a buy to let application.


    Please refer to lender.
  • Property Type: Coach house



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can potentially lend on coach houses

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider a coach house property
  • Property Construction: Woolaway



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can potentially lend on a woolaway property

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider a woolaway property


    If repaired with the benefit of NHBC or Zurich warranty.
  • Property Construction: Wholly Timbered


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not lend on a wholly timbered property

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider wholly timbered property
  • Property Construction: Structural Insulated Panel Solutions (SIPs)



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can potentially lend on properties where the construction type is Structural Insulated Panel Solutions (SIPs).

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider properties where the construction type is Structural Insulated Panel Solutions (SIPs)


    Subject to being BOPAS accredited
  • Property Construction: Single skin


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not lend on single skin properties

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider single skin properties
  • Property Construction: Potton Homes



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can potentially lend on a Potton Home property

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider Potton Home properties
  • Property Construction: Off site manufactured (MMC)



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can potentially lend on properties where the construction type is Off site manufactured (MMC)

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider properties where the construction type is Off site manufactured (MMC)
  • Property Construction: Insulating concrete form (ICF)



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can potentially lend on properties where the construction type is Insulating concrete form (ICF)

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider properties where the construction type is Insulating concrete form (ICF)
  • Property Construction: Dutch barns


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not lend on Dutch Barn properties

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider Dutch Barn properties
  • Property Construction: British Iron and Steel Federation (BISF)



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can potentially lend on properties where the construction type is British Iron and Steel Federation (BISF) must be build post 1987

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider properties where the construction type is British Iron and Steel Federation (BISF)
  • Property Construction: BOPAS accreditation required for non-standard construction



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society may require BOPAS accreditation for non-standard construction where the construction type is acceptable to us

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if BOPAS accreditation is required for non-standard construction where the non-standard construction type is acceptable to us
  • Property Construction: Converted church



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can potentially consider an application on a converted church

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider an application on a converted church
  • New Build Warranty: ICW



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society accepts ICW as an acceptable new build warranty

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept ICW as an acceptable new build warranty
  • Purchase and rent back to the builders as a show home


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not consider a Buy to Let application where the applicant will purchase a new build property and rent back to the builders as a show home

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider a Buy to Let application where the applicant will purchase a new build property and rent back to the builders as a show home
  • Property Construction: EWS1 required on properties with combustible cladding or materials on balconies?



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not lend on properties with combustible cladding or materials on balconies without a EWS1 form

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we require an EWS1 certificate for properties with combustible cladding or materials on balconies
  • Property Construction: Tower Block with Cladding



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can potentially lend on flats in a tower block that has cladding.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider lending on a property in a tower block with cladding


    Will require an EWS1 form.
  • Property Ownership: Splitting of a title deed on completion



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can potentially consider an application where the splitting of a title deed will take place on completion

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider an application where the splitting of a title deed will take place on completion
  • Flying Freehold: Maximum acceptable percentage of the gross floor area



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Accepts flying freehold up to a maximum gross floor area of 15%.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates the maximum percentage of gross floor area the flying freehold part covers that can be considered by us


    Agreed on a case by case basis.
  • Remortgage purpose: Extending a lease



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can potentially consider capital raising on a remortgage where the purpose of the funds is extending a lease

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider capital raising on a remortgage where the purpose of the funds is extending a lease
  • Property Type: Basement flat


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not lend on a basement flat

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially lend on a basement flat
  • Expat: Holiday Lets


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not accept expat applications at this time.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider applications from expat borrowers that wish to Let the property on a Holiday Let basis.
  • Criminal Convictions


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not accept applicants that have criminal convictions.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept applicants that have a criminal record.
  • Visas: Minimum number months remaining on visa


    We do not lend to foreign nationals on a visa

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not consider an applicant on a visa

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can consider an applicant on a visa and if so what is the minimum requirement (in MONTHS) that the applicant must have remaining on BTL applications
  • Gambling (recurring transactions)


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not consider applicants that have recurring gambling transactions

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider applicants with recurrent gambling transactions on BTL applications
  • Property Construction: Easiform



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can potentially lend on easiform construction properties.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we are able to potentially accept Easiform construction properties.


    Subject to valuers comments
  • Property with more than one kitchen



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can potentially lend on properties that have more than one kitchen

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept an application where the security property has more than one kitchen. This is not the same as a property split into two or more units or a House of Multiple Occupation (HMO).


    Case by case basis. Would need to know full details of the property
  • Foreign Nationals (with indefinite leave to remain)



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can consider applications from foreign nationals WITH indefinite leave to remain

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we are potentially able to accept applications from foreign nationals that have indefinite leave to remain
  • Property Construction: Timber framed (Post 1970)



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can potentially consider lending on properties that are a timber frame construction dating between 1900 to 1970.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially lend on a property that is of Timber-Framed construction built after 1970 for Buy to Let applications.


    Subject to a full structural warranty.
  • Property Construction: Timber framed (Pre 1900)


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not lend on properties that are a timber frame construction dating pre 1900.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially lend on a property that is of Timber-Framed construction built prior to 1900 for Buy to Let applications.
  • Property Construction: Concrete construction



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will lend on concrete construction properties.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we are able to potentially accept concrete construction properties.


    Subject to valuers comments
  • Property Construction: Modern method of construction (MMC)



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does lend on properties where the construction type is modern method of construction (MMC).

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept applications on properties where the construction type is Modern method of construction (MMC).


    Subject to valuers comments and being an accredited scheme
  • Property Construction: No-Fines



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can potentially lend on properties where the construction type is no-fines.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept applications on properties where the construction type is No-Fines.


    Acceptable - subject to valuers comments.
  • Property Construction: Repaired prefabricated reinforced concrete



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can potentially lend on properties that are constructed of repaired prefabricated reinforced concrete.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept repaired prefabricated reinforced concrete as suitable security for lending purposes.


    Subject to valuers comments.
  • Property Construction: Steel framed



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can potentially lend on properties where the construction type is steel framed.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept steel framed properties as suitable lending security.


    Subject to valuers comments. Must be built post 1987
  • New Build Warranty: Professional Consultants Certificate



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will accept Professional Consultants Certificate as an acceptable new build warranty.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if Professional Consultants Certificate is an acceptable new build warranty for us on new build properties.
  • New Build Warranty: Checkmate (Castle 10)



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society accepts Ceckmate Castle 10 as an acceptable new build warranty.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if Checkmate (Castle 10) is an acceptable new build warranty for us on new build properties.
  • Permission to Self Occupy Holiday Let Property



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will allow borrowers to 'self occupy' their Holiday Let property up to 60 days a year

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider applications from borrowers that wish to Let the property on a Holiday Let basis and occupy the property themselves from time to time. For example whilst the property is predominantly Let on a Holiday Let a few weeks a year the applicant would like to stay in the property.
  • Minimum remaining lease at application


    55 years

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Interest Only must have a minimum of 80 years at end of the mortgage term, repayment must have a minimum of 50 years

    Criteria description:

    Indicates the minimum required lease remaining at date of application we can potentially accept. 


    Lease must have 50 years left from the natural term end of the mortgage
  • Minimum remaining lease at end of term


    50 years

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Interest Only must have a minimum of 80 years at end of the mortgage term, repayment must have a minimum of 50 years

    Criteria description:

    Indicates the minimum required lease remaining at the end of the mortgage term we can potentially accept.
  • Property Type: Flat above commercial food outlet



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can potentially lend on flats above commercial food outlets.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept flats above a commercial food outlet.


    Case by case basis we will look at. Fast food outlets, betting shops not acceptable. Other commercial outlets considered
  • Property Type: Studio Flat Minimum Floor Area (Sq Metres)



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Our minimum square metre requirement when lending on studio flats is 30 sqm.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates the area in square metres required when lending on studio flats for Buy to Let lending.
  • Property Type: Studio flat



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can lend on studio flats.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially lend on studio flats.


    Must have a minimum of 30 sqm
  • Expat UK Credit Profile Required


    We do not accept Expat Buy to Let applications

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not accept Ex-pat applications.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we require expats to have a UK credit profile
  • Expat minimum income


    We do not accept Expat Buy to Let applications

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not accept Ex-Pat applications.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we have a minimum income requirement when assessing expat applications and if so what is it
  • Expat Buy to Let


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not accept Expat Buy to Let business.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider Buy to Let applications from expats.
  • Source of deposit: Builders Deposit



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can accept this builders deposit.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we accept builder gifted deposits as an acceptable source of deposit for new build properties


    Acceptable providing the applicant puts the same amount of contribution in
  • New Build Warranty: AEDIS


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not accept AEDIS as an acceptable new build warranty

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if AEDIS  is an acceptable new build warranty for us on new build properties.
  • Japanese Knotweed



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    If Japanese Knotweed or any other invasive species is identified within 7 metres of the property, the application may be declined.

    The Underwriter will have discretion to proceed subject to a suitable eradication program being in place with a member of the Property Care Association (PCA) with an insurance backed warranty

    Criteria description:

    Specifies if we are able to potentially accept applications where there is evidence of Japanese knotweed at the property or near the property.
  • Property Type: Freehold flats and maisonettes


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not lend on freehold flats and maisonettes in England & Wales.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept a flat or maisonette where the tenure is freehold.
  • Energy Performance Rating (EPC) rating 'F' or 'G'


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    We do not accept Buy to Let mortgages on properties that have an EPC rating of 'F' or 'G'

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially offer Buy to Let mortgages on properties that have an EPC rating of 'F' or 'G'
  • Retrospective New Build Warranty



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can potentially consider retrospective new build warranties.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially lend on properties that have been issued with a retrospective new build warranty. These warranties were specifically not in place during the build phase but taken out at a later date following completion.


    Underwriter discretion on warranty. Would need to see a copy of the policy upfront
  • CCJs registered in last 3 Months


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not consider applicants that have had CCJs registered in the past 3 months on Buy to Let applications.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept applicants that have had any CCJs registered in the past 3 months on Buy to Let applications.. Other factors will also be taken into consideration such as, but by no means limited to, number of adverse, value and the overall credit profile of an applicant.
  • Arrangement to Pay


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not consider applicants that have an arrangement to pay registered on their credit file.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept applicants that have an arrangement to pay registered on their credit file on Buy to Let applications.
  • Defaults registered in last 3 Months


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not consider applicants that have had Defaults registered in the past 3 months on Buy to Let applications.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept applicants that have had any Defaults registered in the past 3 months on Buy to Let applications.. Other factors will also be taken into consideration such as, but by no means limited to, number of adverse, value and the overall credit profile of an applicant.
  • Defaults registered between 3 to 12 Months


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not consider applicants that have had Defaults registered more than 3 months ago and less than 12 months ago on Buy to Let applications.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept applicants that have had any Defaults registered more than 3 months ago and less than 12 months ago on Buy to Let applications. Other factors will also be taken into consideration such as, but by no means limited to, number of adverse, value and the overall credit profile of an applicant.
  • Defaults registered between 12 to 24 Months


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not consider applicants that have had Defaults registered more than 12 months ago and less than 24 months ago on Buy to Let applications.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept applicants that have had any Defaults registered more than 12 months ago and less than 24 months ago on Buy to Let applications. Other factors will also be taken into consideration such as, but by no means limited to, number of adverse, value and the overall credit profile of an applicant.
  • Restricted Sale Price



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can potentially consider applications on properties that have a restricted sale price clause. We can potentially consider these clauses if the restriction falls away if we had to take the property into repossession.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially offer a Buy to Let mortgage on a property that has a 'Restricted Sale Price' clause.
  • Historic CIFAS Record (Years)


    Not Acceptable years

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not accept applicants that are named on the CIFAS register.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept Buy to Let applications from an applicant that is on the CIFAS register and if so, what time must have passed in order for them to be potentially accepted by the lender for a new mortgage application.
  • Maximum Mortgage Arrears in last 24 Months


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not consider Buy to Let applicants with any mortgage arrears in the previous 24 months.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept Buy to Let applications from an applicant who has mortgage arrears in the past 2 years and if so what is the maximum number of missed payments in the past 2 years that can be accepted.
  • Tenants: Third Party/Company (where the third party/company is Sub-Letting the property)


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not consider applications where the property will be Let to a third party who will in turn Sublet the property.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider Buy to Let applications where the tenant will be (or is) a third party who pays a rent to the applicant and acts as the primary tenant but Sub-Lets the property. This is sometimes referred to as 'Rent to Rent'.
  • Tenants: Serviced Properties


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not consider applications where the property will be Let as a 'Serviced Property'.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept Buy to Let applications on properties that are considered 'Serviced Properties'. These are typically furnished properties that are Let on a short term basis and the rent covers all amenities including the rent.
  • Remortgage Purpose: 100% Staircase Shared Ownership to Let to Buy


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not consider remortgage applications with capital raising to staircase their Shared Ownership property and then Let the property on a Buy to Let basis with us.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we will allow capital raising on an applicant's current shared ownership residential property for the purpose of staircasing to 100% and take their ownership to 100% and then Letting the property.
  • Let to Rent


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not consider Buy to Let remortgage applications where the property is currently the applicants main residence but will now be Let and the applicant will be moving into separate rented accomodation

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we will allow an applicant to remortgage their current residential property onto a Buy to Let mortgage and then move into rented accomodation as opposed to purchasing a new main residence.
  • Simultaneous First and Second Charge


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not consider applications where there will be a simultaneous completion of a second charge.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept a Buy to Let application where there will be a simultaneous completion of a second charge.
  • Remortgage Purpose: Purchase Overseas Property


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not consider remortgage applications with capital raising to purchase a property overseas.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we will allow capital raising for the purpose of purchasing overseas property on Buy to Let applications.
  • Remortgage Purpose: Purchase Commercial Property


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not consider remortgage applications with capital raising to purchase a commercial property.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we will allow capital raising for the purpose of purchasing commercial property on Buy to Let applications.
  • Tenants: Asylum Seekers


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not consider applications where the property will be let to an Asylum seeker

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider applications from borrowers that wish to Let the property to an Asylum Seeker.
  • Tenants: Multiple Tenancies



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can potentially consider a Buy to Let application with multiple tenancies. Applicants would have to choose from one of our HMO properties.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider applications from borrowers that wish to have multiple tenancies on a Buy to Let property.
  • Remortgage Purpose: Business Purposes


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not consider remortgage applications with capital raising for business purposes.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider a Buy to Let application when the reason for capital raising is considered for 'Business Related Purposes'.
  • Remortgage Purpose: Repay Help to Buy and Let the Property


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not consider remortgage applications with capital raising to repay their Help to Buy equity loan and then Let the property on a Buy to Let basis with us.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we will allow capital raising on an applicant's current residential property that has a Help to Buy Equity Loan present for the purpose of repaying (IN FULL) their Help to Buy Equity Loan, take their ownership to 100% and then Let the property.
  • Remortgage purpose: Land Purchase (maximum LTV)


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not consider remortgage applications with capital raising for 'Land Purchase'.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we will allow capital raising for the purpose to purchase land and if so up to what loan to value for Buy to Let applications.
  • Student Let Valuation


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not use the student Let rental valuation for affordability as opposed to the open market rental valuation.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially use the student Let rental valuation as opposed to the open market valuation to a typical tenant (family, couples, etc)
  • Maximum debt to income ratio


    No Maximum

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    We dont have a maximum as longs as it fits income multipliers and affordability

    Criteria description:

    Indicates the maximum potential debt to income (DTI) ratio we might accept for Buy to Let applications. For example, an applicant has outstanding unsecured debts of £26,000 and a salary of £40,000. Therefore their DTI is 65%.
  • ExPat Deposit source non-UK


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not consider expat applications where the source of deposit does not originate from the UK.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can accept deposits that have originated outside of the European Economic Area (EEA) as an acceptable source of deposit for Expat Buy to Let applications.
  • Remortgage Purpose: Home Improvements (other property)



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can consider remortgage applications with capital raising for home improvements on another property owned by the applicant.
    This would be agreed on an exception basis and we would require quotes of the works to be completed.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we will allow capital raising for the purpose of home improvements on a property which is NOT the security property on Buy to Let applications.
  • Tenants: Protected Tenancies


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not consider applications where the tenant enjoys a 'Protected Tenancy'.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider applications from borrowers that wish to Let the property to a tenant who is benefiting from a protected tenancy.
  • Transitional Arrangements Offered



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can potentially offer Buy to Let mortgages on a transitional arrangement basis.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially offer Buy to Let mortgages on a transitional arrangement as defined by the FCA under MCOB 11.8
  • Leasehold Property where No Separate Management Company Exists


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not lend on leasehold properties where no separate management company exists.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially lend on Buy to Let applications for leasehold properties where no separate management company exists.
  • Estate Rentcharges



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can potentially consider lending on freehold properties where exists an estate charge for the general upkeep and maintenance of any shared areas.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially lend on Buy to Let applications for freehold properties where 'Estate Rent Charge' clauses exist.
  • Property Ownership: Possessory Title


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not lend on properties that are subject to a possessory title.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially lend on Buy to Let applications for properties that only have possessory title.
  • Property Ownership: Tenancy in Common with Unequal Shares


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not consider joint applications where the property ownership will be as tenancy in common with unequal shares.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially lend on Buy to Let applications on properties where the joint ownership is set up on a tenants in common basis where each owner has an unequal share. For example, Applicant 'A' owns 70% of the property and Applicant 'B' owns 30%.
  • Property Ownership: Trust


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not lend on properties that are owned by a trust.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially lend on Buy to Let applications for properties that are owned by a trust.
  • Maximum Ground Rent (as % of Property Value/Purchase Price)


    No Maximum

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society has no maximum threshold percentage against the property value that the ground rent cannot exceed.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we have a maximum threshold, and if so what it is, that the ground rent on a leasehold property cannot exceed measured against the property value on Buy to Let applications. For example, Applicant 'A' is purchasing a leasehold flat valued at £100,000 that has a ground rent payable annually of £100. This ground rent equates to 0.1% of the property value. Lender 'A' has no maximum threshold on ground rents and therefor Applicant 'A' is able to proceed with a mortgage application on this property.
  • Minimum Percentage of Properties under Private Ownership on Ex-Local Authority Blocks of Flats



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society requires a minimum of 75% under private ownership in a block of ex-local authority flats.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially lend on a ex-local authority flat/apartments and if so is there a minimum percentage in the block that must be privately owned when assessing Buy to Let applications.
  • Property Factors: Mine Shafts


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not lend on properties that are close to a mine shaft.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially lend on a property that is close to a mine shaft for Buy to Let applications.
  • Property Construction: Timber framed (1900 to 1970)



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can potentially consider lending on properties that are a timber frame construction dating between 1900 to 1970. Subject to a full structural warranty.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially lend on a property that is of Timber-Framed construction built between 1900 to 1970 for Buy to Let applications.
  • Property Factors: Property needing Refurbishment before Letting


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not consider a Buy to Let application where the property requires refurbishment before it can be Let.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider Buy to Let applications where refurbishment is required
  • Property Factors: Underpinned within last 10 years



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can potentially lend of properties that have been underpinned in the last 10 years. Subject to a full structural warranty.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially lend on properties that have been underpinned in the last 10 years on Buy to Let applications
  • Escalating Ground Rents


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not lend on leasehold properties where an escalating ground rent clause exists.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially lend on Buy to Let applications for leasehold properties that have an escalating ground rent clause.
  • Minimum Length of Time Employed (in MONTHS)


    No Minimum months

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society has no minimum length of time applicants need to have been in continuous employment. The applicant cannot be in a probation period.

    Criteria description:

    Specifies if there is a minimum number of months (if so how many) employed applicants must have been continuously employed on Buy to Let applications.
  • Power of Attorneys



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can potentially consider an applicant from someone acting as a power of attorney.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept Buy to Let applications from an applicant that is acting with Power of Attorney.
  • Politically exposed persons


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not consider an applicant that is classed as a politically exposed person.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept Buy to Let applications from an applicant that is considered a politically exposed person.
  • Returning to UK - Employed


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not accept applications from applicants who are returning to the UK and going straight into employment.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept Buy to Let applications from an applicant who is returning to the UK and going straight into paid employment. Critically, indicates if a lender will accept an employed applicant (with no current minimum length of time in UK employment) who is returning from a non UK address to the UK.
  • Returning to UK - Self-Employed


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not accept applications from applicants who are returning to the UK and going straight into self-employment.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept Buy to Let applications from an applicant who is returning to the UK and going straight into Self-Employment. Critically, indicates if a lender will accept a Self-Employed applicant who is returning from a non UK address to the UK and would essentially have zero UK trading history.
  • Unemployed Applicants


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not consider Buy to Let applications for unemployed applicants

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider Buy to Let applications for unemployed applicants.
  • Foreign Nationals (Living Overseas)


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not lend to Foreign Nationals living overseas.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider applications from foreign nationals living overseas who wish to obtain a BUY TO LET mortgage here in the UK. For example, a Chinese applicant who does not live or work in the UK who wants to purchase property here in the UK on a Buy to Let basis as an investment.
  • Minimum Landlord Experience (in MONTHS)


    No Minimum months

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society has no minimum experience requirement for applicants

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we require a minimum amount of experience (IN MONTHS) when lending on Buy to Let applications
  • Offset Mortgages Available?



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not offer offset mortgages.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can offer Buy to Let offset mortgages (subject to product availability).
  • Age Limits: Minimum Age at Application


    21 years

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    21 for Buy to Let applications

    Criteria description:

    The minimum age we will accept when assessing an applicant.
  • Tenants: DSS/Housing Benefit



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does accept DSS/Housing benefit tenants. Maximum 60% ltv and stress tested at 150%

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider applications from borrowers that wish to Let the property to DSS/Housing Benefit tenants
  • Maximum length of time of assured shorthold tenancy (AST)


    No Maximum

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    All property must be let under a standard Assured Shorthold Tenancy. There is no maximum amount of time.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates the maximum number of months we specify is required on an Assured Shorthold Tenancy (AST)
  • Maximum number of rental properties MORTGAGED with ALL lenders


    No Maximum

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society has no maximum limit to the number of Buy to Let mortgages applicants hold with other lenders.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if there is a maximum number of mortgaged Buy to Let properties and if so how many, an applicant can have in the background. 
  • Lender or Group Lending Limit



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Won't lend over £1.5 million.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we have a maximum exposure limit a borrower can have with us or within our group.
  • Portfolio Applicants Minimum Income Requirement



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Minimum income £20,000 after all personal debts

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we specifiy a minimum income an applicant must earn in order to be considered for a Buy to Let mortgage where the applicant is considered a portfolio landlord.
  • Property Type: Ex local authority house/bungalow



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Must be 75% privately owned.
    Non standard construction properties not accepted.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially lend on ex local authority houses/bungalows.


    Non standard construction properties not accepted.
    Flats not accepted
  • Maximum number of applicants allowed



    Criteria Policy Notes:


    Criteria description:

    The maximum number of applicants able to go on a Buy to Let mortgage application.
  • Maximum LTV across the whole portfolio



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Refer to lender.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we specify a maximum LTV of all properties owned by the applicants across their entire portfolio. This includes mortgages held with the lender and group and all other mortgages held with other lenders.
  • Ownership of Adjoining Property (Related Transaction)



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Refer to lender.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially lend on a property where the adjoining property is also owned by one of the applicants.
  • Maximum number of tenants on an assured shorthold tenancy (AST)



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can consider applications where there are no more than 4 tenants on the Assured Shorthold Tenancy (AST).

    Criteria description:

    Indicates the maximum number of tenants permitted by us on a single Assured Shorthold Tenancy
  • Tenants: Corporate Lets/Company Lets


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society do not accept properties that are to be Let on a Corporate/Company Let basis.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we an potentially consider applications from borrowers that wish to Let the property on a Corporate Let or Company Let
  • Maximum Aggregate Portfolio LTV (within group or lender)



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Refer to lender.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we specify a maximum LTV of all properties owned by the applicants that are mortgaged to them or their group.
  • Lender or Group Maximum Number of Mortgages


    No Maximum

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    No maximum whole portfolio must be self financing.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we have a maximum number of mortgages a borrower can have with us or within our group. 
  • Sale and Rent Back


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not accept 'Sale and Rent Back' transactions.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept a sale and rent back transaction where the vendor sells the property (usually at a discount), remains in the property and pays a rent to the new owner.
  • Tenants: Student Lets?



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can potentially allow applicants to Let their Buy to Let property to Students.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider applications from borrowers that wish to Let the property to students
  • Portfolio Landlord Minimum Experience


    No Minimum months

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    No minimum experience requirement.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we require a minimum amount of experience (IN MONTHS) if lending to what we consider to be a portfolio landlord.
  • Expat Regulated Buy to Let (Let to Family Member)


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not accept Buy to Let mortgages from Expat applicants where the property will be Let to Family Member(s)

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can consider expat buy to let applications where the intention is to Let to a family member
  • Consumer Buy to Let (position and definition)



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can potentially accept applicants classed as a 'Consumer Buy to Let (CBTL)'

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can lend when we consider the transaction to be a 'Consumer Buy to Let (CBTL)' and what our definition of a consumer buy to let is. A CBTL is often referred to as an accidental landlord.
  • Non Owner Occupier


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not accept Buy to Let applications from 'Non Owner Occupiers'.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept an applicant that is a non-owner occupier for a Buy to Let application. 
    This is not to be confused with a First Time Buyer or First Time Landlord.
  • Previously Repossessed (years ago acceptable)


    Not Acceptable years

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not accept applications from borrowers who have previously had a property repossessed.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can accept Buy to Let applications from applicants that have previously been repossessed and if so how many years need to have passed to be acceptable.
  • Minimum length of time of assured shorthold tenancy (AST)



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    6 Months minimum.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates the minimum number of months we specify is required on an Assured Shorthold Tenancy (AST)
  • Property Developers


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not accept Buy to Let applications from individuals they deem property developers.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept applications from property developers
  • Premium lease agreements (tenancies where a proportion of the rent is paid upfront)


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not accept 'Premium Lease Agreements' where a prospective tenant is paying their rent as an advanced payment.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider applications where the applicant's tenant will be paying their rent as an advance payment. 
  • Tenants: Housing Association Lets


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not accept Housing Association tenants.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider applications from borrowers that wish to Let the property to Housing Association tenants.
  • Full Time Landlord



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can potentially accept applications from 'Full Time Landlords'.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially lend to what we consider to be professional landlords. Typically a professional landlord is an applicant whose main income source is from their rental income from property.
  • New Build Warranty: Zurich Municipal "New Build"



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society accepts Zurich Municipal "New Build" as an acceptable new build warranty.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if Zurich Municipal "New Build" is an acceptable new build warranty for us on new build properties.
  • New Build Warranty: Q Assure Build


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not accept Q Assure Build as an acceptable new build warranty.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if Q Assure Build is an acceptable new build warranty for us on new build properties.
  • New Build Warranty: Protek


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not accept Protek as an acceptable new build warranty.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if Protek is an acceptable new build warranty for us on new build properties.
  • New Build Warranty: Premier Guarantee Scheme



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Acceptable to Bath Building Society

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if Premier Guarantee Scheme is an acceptable new build warranty for us on new build properties.
  • New Build Warranty: NHBC Guarantee



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society accepts NHBC as an acceptable new build warranty.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if NHBC Guarantee is an acceptable new build warranty for us on new build properties.
  • New Build Warranty: LABC



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society accepts LABC as an acceptable new build warranty.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if LABC is an acceptable new build warranty for us on new build properties.
  • New Build Warranty: Global Home Warranties


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not accept Global Home Warranties as an acceptable new build warranty.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if Global Home Warranties is an acceptable new build warranty for us on new build properties.
  • New Build Warranty: CRL Management Ltd


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not accept CRL Management Ltd as an acceptable new build warranty.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if CRL Management Ltd is an acceptable new build warranty for us on new build properties.
  • New Build Warranty: Buildzone



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Acceptable to Bath Building Society

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if Buildzone is an acceptable new build warranty for us on new build properties.
  • New Build Warranty: Building Life Plans


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not accept Building Life Plans as an acceptable new build warranty.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if Building Life Plans is an acceptable new build warranty for us on new build properties.
  • New Build Warranty: Build Assure


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not accept Build Assure as an acceptable new build warranty.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if Build Assure is an acceptable new build warranty for us on new build properties.
  • Joint application sole proprietor


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not accept applications on a joint application sole proprietor basis.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we will accept applications from joint borrowers where only ONE applicant will OWN the property.
  • Source of deposit: Unsecured Loan


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not accept this type of deposit.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates whether or not we will accept borrowers source of deposit as a loan. For example a person is looking to put down a total 25% deposit and borrow a 75% mortgage. 5% of the total deposit is a bank loan.
  • Source of deposit: Originated outside of EEA


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not accept this type of deposit.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if can potentially accept deposits that have originated outside of the European Economic Area (EEA) as an acceptable source of deposit.
  • Source of deposit: Mortgage on additional property



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Acceptable to bath Building Society

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can accept monies raised from the mortgage of an additional property as an acceptable source of deposit.
  • Source of deposit: Gifted NOT from Immediate Family


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not accept this type of deposit.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can accept a gift as a deposit source outside of immediate family members such as a friend, employer or cousin for example.
  • Source of deposit: Concessionary



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Providing the correct amount of stamp duty is paid

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can accept applications that are considered a concessionary purchase
  • Credit Scores?



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    We credit search but not credit score. Manual underwriting applies

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we use 'credit scoring' to assess a client(s) mortgage application usually at agreement in principle (AIP) stage.
  • Contract Reassignment


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not accept applications where contract reassignment exists

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept a situation whereby the purchaser is looking to buy a new build property from a third party (not the builder/developer). An example of this is whereby a third party has secured the property off plan and exchanged contracts but has not completed. They then sell the contract to a new purchaser. This is known as 'contract reassignment'. Sometimes this is for a premium of the original purchase price and sometimes it is without a premium.
  • Foreign Nationals (WITHOUT indefinite leave to remain)


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not accept applications from foreign nationals that do not have indefinite leave to remain

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we are potentially able to accept applications from foreign nationals that DO NOT have indefinite leave to remain.
  • Solar Panels



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will potentially consider properties with solar panels where the solar panels form part of the freehold of a building.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept properties that have had solar panels installed.


    Where the solar panels are leased under an "airspace lease" the Solicitor will be required to ensure the lease does not negatively impact on our security.
  • Minimum Income Requirement



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society has a minimum income of £20,000 after commitments.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we have a minimum income requirement for Buy to Let applications and if so what it is.
  • Age Limits: Maximum Age AT POINT OF APPLICATION


    No limit years

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    No maximum age but affordability must be proven into retirement.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates the maximum age we can accept an applicant to be at the time of an application to be considered for a Buy to Let application.
  • Properties with Asbestos



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can potentially lend on properties where Asbestos is identified.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially lend on a property where there is evidence of asbestos present.


    Bath Building Society can potentially lend on properties where Asbestos is identified but will be assessed on a case by case basis.
  • Property Construction: Majority Flat Roof



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Reliant on valuers comments

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially able to accept Buy to Let applications on properties that have majority flat roof. We classify 'majority' as anything over 50%.

  • Property with deck access


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not lend on properties with deck access.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept properties that have deck access.
  • Property Construction: Timber framed



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Modern Timber Framed post 1970 acceptable but exterior wall must be brick/block/stone

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept timber framed properties.
  • Property Construction: Thatched roof



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Acceptable - subject to valuers comments

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept properties that have any element of a thatched roof.
  • Property Construction: Non repaired prefabricated reinforced concrete


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not lend on properties that are constructed of non repaired prefabricated reinforced concrete.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept NON repaired prefabricated reinforced concrete as suitable security for lending purposes.
  • Property Type: Flat above commercial pub


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not lend on flats above pubs.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept flats that are above a pub.
  • Property Type: Ex local auth flat/maisonette


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not lend on ex local authority flats or maisonettes.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially able to lend on ex local authority flats/maisonettes.
  • Property Construction: 100% Timber Construction


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not lend on 100% timber construction properties.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we are able to potentially accept 100% timber construction properties - this is NOT the same as timber framed.
  • Maximum number of storeys considered for lending on ex local authority flats


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    We dont lend on ex-local authority flats

    Criteria description:

    Indicates the maximum number of stories we can consider when lending on ex local authority high rise flats.
  • Maximum number of storeys considered for lending on flats



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Maximum 6 stories but anything over 4 stories needs to be lift served

    Criteria description:

    Indicates the maximum number of storeys we can consider when lending on high rise flats.


    Anything over 4 stories needs to be lift served.
  • Lending Location: Wales



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Acceptable to Bath Building Society

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider lending on properties located in Wales.
  • Lending Location: Scilly Isles


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not lend on properties in the Scilly Isles.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider lending on properties located in the Scilly Isles.
  • Lending Location: Northern Ireland


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not lend on properties in Northern Ireland.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider lending on properties located in Northern Ireland.
  • Lending Location: Isle of Wight



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Acceptable to Bath Building Society

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider lending on properties located on the Isle of Wight
  • Lending Location: Isle of Man


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not lend on properties on the Isle of Man.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider lending on properties located on the Isle of Man.
  • Lending Location: England



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Acceptable to Bath Building Society

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider Buy to Let lending on properties located in England.
  • Lending Location: Channel Islands


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not lend on properties in the Channel Islands.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider Buy to Let lending on properties located in the Channel Islands.
  • Portable mortgages as standard



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    All Bath Building Society mortgages are full portable

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if our Buy to Let mortgages are portable as standard.
  • Overpayment facility as standard (percentage)


    20 percentage

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    20% without incurring any charges

    Criteria description:

    Indicates the amount you can usually overpay (subject to product availability) without penalty on our Buy to Let mortgages. 

  • Minimum Loan Size



    Criteria Policy Notes:


    Criteria description:

    Indicates the minimum loan size (if there is one) that we accept for new applications.
  • Undervalue transactions


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not accept this type of situation.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept applications where the transaction constitutes an undervalue transaction.
  • Soft Footprint on Credit Search?


    No (Full Footprint)

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society leaves a full/hard search footprint when performing a credit search.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we will leave a 'soft footprint' when performing a credit search (as opposed to leaving a full/hard footprint on the credit file).
  • Remortgage waiting period


    6 months

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    6 months

    Criteria description:

    Indicates the number of months we state a person must have owned a property before it can be considered for a remortgage application. 
  • Remortgage purpose: Home Improvements (maximum LTV)


    80 percentage

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    80% maximum

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we are able to and if so to what loan to value, accept remortgages where the purpose is to raise money for property improvements.
  • Remortgage purpose: Buy to Let Purchase (maximum LTV)


    75 percentage

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    75% ltv maximum

    Criteria description:

    Indicates the maximum loan to value (LTV) we will accept when the reason for capital raising is to raise funds to fund or part fund a buy to let purchase.
  • Remortgage purpose: Balance Swap (maximum LTV)


    80 percentage

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    80% max ltv for £ 4 £ re-mortgage

    Criteria description:

    Indicates the maximum loan to value (LTV) a Buy to Let we can accept where the remortgage purpose is a simple balance swap (no additional monies being raised).
  • Minimum Term (Years)


    5 years

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    5 years

    Criteria description:

    Indicates the minimum term a Buy to Let mortgage can be taken over.
  • Maximum Term (Years)


    40 years

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    40 years maximum term

    Criteria description:

    Indicates the maximum term a Buy to Let mortgage can be taken over.
  • Credit Checks with Experian



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not use Experian as a credit reference agency when assessing applications

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we use Experian as a credit reference agency when assessing Buy to Let applications.
  • Credit Checks with Equifax



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society uses Equifax

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we use Equifax as a credit reference agency when assessing applications.
  • Credit Checks with Transunion (formerly Callcredit)



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not use Callcredit as a credit reference agency when assessing applications

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we use Transunion (formerly Callcredit) as a credit reference agency when assessing applications.
  • Debt Related: Payday loan (current)


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not accept applicants with a current payday loan.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept a Buy to Let application from a borrower who is currently in a payday loan credit agreement
  • Address History (Min UK address history needed)


    36 months

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    3 years minimum

    Criteria description:

    This is the required number of months we specify a client has to have had a UK address history for. 
  • Unauthorized Overdraft Charges


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not accept applicants that have recently had unauthorized overdraft charges

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we are able to potentially accept Buy to Let applications from applicants who have recently been charged for an unauthorised overdraft (either by exceeding their overdraft limit or by simply going overdrawn if they do not have an agreed overdraft limit). These unauthorised overdraft charges will likely appear on the clients recent bank statements.
  • Age Limits: Maximum Age at End of Mortgage Term


    No Maximum years

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    No max for buy to lets

    Criteria description:

    Indicates the absolute maximum age we will lend to.
  • Repayment (Capital & Interest)



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can potentially offer Buy to Let mortgages on a 'Repayment (Capital & Interest)' basis.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we accept mortgages on a Repayment basis (Capital & Interest) for Buy to Let applications.
  • First Time Buyers


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not accept Buy to Let applications from 'First Time Buyers'

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider applications from First Time Buyers.
  • First Time Landlords



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can potentially accept Buy to Let applications from 'First Time Landlords'.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider applications from First Time Landlords.
  • Portfolio Landlords Position and Definition



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society specifies a 'Portfolio Landlord' as 4 or more completed qualifying rental properties that are mortgaged or unencumbered. The number of qualifying properties that constitutes a 'Portfolio Landlord' is All applicants combined Buy To Let properties. A qualifying property:

      • Includes Privately owned Buy to Let rental properties
      • Includes Company owned Buy to Let rental properties
      • where the applicant has a shareholding of more than 1 %
      • Includes Consent to Let properties
      • Includes Holiday Lets
      • Single title multi unit properties are counted as one property.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can accept 'Portfolio' landlords and IMPORTANTLY how they define a portfolio landlord.
  • Address History (Min UK address history needed)


    36 months

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    3 years minimum

    Criteria description:

    This is the required number of months we specify a client has to have had a UK address history for. 
  • Advisor Own Application



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will accept applications from advisors applying for their own mortgage.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept Buy to Let applications from an advisor wishing to apply for his or her own mortgage.
  • Age Limits: Maximum Age at End of Mortgage Term


    No Maximum years

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    No max for buy to lets

    Criteria description:

    Indicates the absolute maximum age we will lend to.
  • Age Limits: Maximum age for self employed borrowers


    No Maximum years

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    No maximum age for BTL borrowers.

    Criteria description:

    Specifies the maximum age we can potentially consider on a but to let application for a self employed borrower
  • Age Limits: Minimum Age at Application


    21 years

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    21 for Buy to Let applications

    Criteria description:

    The minimum age we will accept when assessing an applicant.
  • Applicant not on electoral register



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can consider an applicant who is not on electoral register. Subject to explanation and proof of address.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we will consider a buy to let application for an applicant who is not on the electoral register


    Subject to explanation and proof of address.
  • Arrangement fees can be added when exceeding lending LTV limits



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not allow fees to be added where it means the lending loan to value limits will be exceeded.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we allow borrowers to add the arrangement fee (where one is payable) to the mortgage advance where this will mean the max lending policy loan to value will be exceeded. 
  • Arrangement fees can be added when exceeding product LTV limits



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not allow fees to be added where it means the product loan to value limits will be exceeded.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we allow borrowers to add the arrangement fee (where one is payable) to the mortgage advance where this will mean the product loan to value will be exceeded.
  • Arrangement to Pay


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not consider applicants that have an arrangement to pay registered on their credit file.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept applicants that have an arrangement to pay registered on their credit file on Buy to Let applications.
  • Arrears (secured/mortgage)



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Maximum status 1 in the last 2 years and must be satisfied for at least 12 months.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept Buy to Let applications from applicants that have a history of mortgage or secured loan arrears.
  • Arrears (unsecured)



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Maximum status 1 in the last 2 years (Utilities & mobiles ignored up to £250).

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we are able to potentially accept Buy to Let  applications where one or more applicant(s) has a history of unsecured loan arrears.
  • Back to Back (Remortgage - Bridging)



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does accept back to back remortgages of this nature providing the original transaction is fully registered at Land Registry.

    Criteria description:

    Back to back is typically where the vendor has owned the property for less than six months, or remortgages where they've owned the property for less than six months.

    Back to Back (Remortgage - Bridging) indicates if we will accept applications where the customer has funded the purchase from a bridging loan and now wish to mortgage the property.
  • Back to back (Remortgage - Customer Funded)



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does accept back to back remortgages of this nature providing the original transaction is fully registered at Land Registry.

    Criteria description:

    Back to back is typically where the vendor has owned the property for less than six months, or remortgages where they've owned the property for less than six months.

    Back to back (Remortgage - Customer Funded) indicates if a we will accept applications where the customer has funded the purchase from their own funds and now wish to mortgage the property with a Buy to Let mortgage typically within 6 months of ownership. 
    For example Josh recently purchased a property at auction and now wants to remortgage the property to release funds.
  • Back to back (Remortgage - Inherited)



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does accept back to back remortgages of this nature providing the original transaction is fully registered at Land Registry.

    Criteria description:

    Back to back (Remortgage - Inherited) indicates if we can accept applications where the customer has inherited a property and now wish to mortgage it on a Buy to Let basis typically within 6 months of ownership.

  • CCJs registered between 12 to 24 Months


    Potentially Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Maximum £500 registered in last 3 years, satisfied at application.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept applicants that have had any CCJs registered more than 12 months ago and less than 24 months ago on Buy to Let applications. Other factors will also be taken into consideration such as, but by no means limited to, number of adverse, value and the overall credit profile of an applicant.
  • CCJs registered between 24 to 36 Months


    Potentially Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Maximum £500 registered in last 3 years, satisfied at application.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept applicants that have had any CCJs registered more than 24 months ago and less than 36 months ago on Buy to Let applications. Other factors will also be taken into consideration such as, but by no means limited to, number of adverse, value and the overall credit profile of an applicant.
  • CCJs registered between 3 to 12 Months


    Potentially Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Maximum £500 registered in last 3 years, satisfied at application.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept applicants that have had any CCJs registered more than 3 months ago and less than 12 months ago on Buy to Let applications. Other factors will also be taken into consideration such as, but by no means limited to, number of adverse, value and the overall credit profile of an applicant.
  • CCJs registered in last 3 Months


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not consider applicants that have had CCJs registered in the past 3 months on Buy to Let applications.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept applicants that have had any CCJs registered in the past 3 months on Buy to Let applications.. Other factors will also be taken into consideration such as, but by no means limited to, number of adverse, value and the overall credit profile of an applicant.
  • CCJs registered over 36 Months ago


    Potentially Ignored

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Maximum £500 registered in last 3 years, satisfied at application.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially ignore CCJs that were registered more than 36 months ago on Buy to Let applications. Other factors will also be taken into consideration such as, but by no means limited to, number of adverse, value and the overall credit profile of an applicant.
  • Can Consider Earned Income in Rental Assessment (Topslicing)



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not consider earned income in affordability assessment.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider applicants earned income in addition to the rental income for a property when calculating the maximum mortgage that can be borrowed.
  • Can extend mortgage offer



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Offers valid for 6 months. The application can be considered if it falls outside of this, but it will have to be reassessed and on the products available at the time. Refer to Lender.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially extend a clients mortgage offer beyond the standard expiry.
  • Can use actual existing rent when higher than valuers estimate



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Not acceptable.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially use the actual rent received from an existing tenant when it is higher than the valuer's estimate. For example, this situation could arise on remortgage applications where, in the valuer's opinion, the market rent is lower than what the landlord is currently receiving.
  • Can use valuers rental estimate even if higher than actual existing rent



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Not acceptable.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially use the valuer's estimate when assessing loan affordability even if the actual rent being received is less than the estimate. For example, this situation could arise on remortgage applications where the existing tenant is paying below the market estimate (based on the valuer's rental valuation).
  • Company BTL affordability assessment


    ICR based

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Rent must cover a minimum of 125% of pay rate + 2% but must never be less than 5.5%. If the interest rate is fixed for a period of 5 years or more, rent must cover 125% of pay rate.

    Criteria description:

    This relates to the potential rental calculation we will apply. 
  • Consumer Buy to Let (position and definition)



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can potentially accept applicants classed as a 'Consumer Buy to Let (CBTL)'

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can lend when we consider the transaction to be a 'Consumer Buy to Let (CBTL)' and what our definition of a consumer buy to let is. A CBTL is often referred to as an accidental landlord.
  • Contract Reassignment


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not accept applications where contract reassignment exists

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept a situation whereby the purchaser is looking to buy a new build property from a third party (not the builder/developer). An example of this is whereby a third party has secured the property off plan and exchanged contracts but has not completed. They then sell the contract to a new purchaser. This is known as 'contract reassignment'. Sometimes this is for a premium of the original purchase price and sometimes it is without a premium.
  • Credit Checks with Equifax



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society uses Equifax

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we use Equifax as a credit reference agency when assessing applications.
  • Credit Checks with Experian



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not use Experian as a credit reference agency when assessing applications

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we use Experian as a credit reference agency when assessing Buy to Let applications.
  • Credit Checks with Transunion (formerly Callcredit)



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not use Callcredit as a credit reference agency when assessing applications

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we use Transunion (formerly Callcredit) as a credit reference agency when assessing applications.
  • Credit Scores?



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    We credit search but not credit score. Manual underwriting applies

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we use 'credit scoring' to assess a client(s) mortgage application usually at agreement in principle (AIP) stage.
  • Criminal Convictions


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not accept applicants that have criminal convictions.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept applicants that have a criminal record.
  • Debt Management Plan (Current/Unsatisfied)


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not accept applicants who have a current/unsatisfied debt management plan.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept a Buy to Let application from an applicant who is currently in a debt management plan.
  • Debt Management Plan (satisfied)



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Must be satisfied for over 2 years.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept a Buy to Let application from an applicant who has previously had a debt management plan that is now satisfied.
  • Debt Related: Payday loan (current)


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not accept applicants with a current payday loan.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept a Buy to Let application from a borrower who is currently in a payday loan credit agreement
  • Debt Related: Payday loan (previous)



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does accept applicants that have had a previous payday loan must be clear for at least 12 months

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept a Buy to Let application from a borrower who has had a payday loan in the past but is not currently in a payday loan credit agreement.
  • Debt Relief Order (Satisfied)



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can accept Debt Relief Orders if the applicant has been clear for at least 24 months

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can consider an applicant with a satisfied debt relief order
  • Defaults registered between 12 to 24 Months


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not consider applicants that have had Defaults registered more than 12 months ago and less than 24 months ago on Buy to Let applications.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept applicants that have had any Defaults registered more than 12 months ago and less than 24 months ago on Buy to Let applications. Other factors will also be taken into consideration such as, but by no means limited to, number of adverse, value and the overall credit profile of an applicant.
  • Defaults registered between 24 to 36 Months


    Potentially Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Max £2,500 Satisfied over 2 years.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept applicants that have had any Defaults registered more than 24 months ago and less than 36 months ago on Buy to Let applications. Other factors will also be taken into consideration such as, but by no means limited to, number of adverse, value and the overall credit profile of an applicant.
  • Defaults registered between 3 to 12 Months


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not consider applicants that have had Defaults registered more than 3 months ago and less than 12 months ago on Buy to Let applications.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept applicants that have had any Defaults registered more than 3 months ago and less than 12 months ago on Buy to Let applications. Other factors will also be taken into consideration such as, but by no means limited to, number of adverse, value and the overall credit profile of an applicant.
  • Defaults registered in last 3 Months


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not consider applicants that have had Defaults registered in the past 3 months on Buy to Let applications.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept applicants that have had any Defaults registered in the past 3 months on Buy to Let applications.. Other factors will also be taken into consideration such as, but by no means limited to, number of adverse, value and the overall credit profile of an applicant.
  • Defaults registered over 36 Months ago


    Potentially Ignored

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Max £2,500 Satisfied over 2 years.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially ignore Defaults that were registered more than 36 months ago on Buy to Let applications. Other factors will also be taken into consideration such as, but by no means limited to, number of adverse, value and the overall credit profile of an applicant.
  • Discharged Bankrupt (years)


    3 years

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can potentially accept a discharged bankrupt if the bankruptcy has been satisfied for over 3 years.

    Criteria description:

    Displays if we can accept discharged bankrupts on Buy to Let applications and if so how long a client has to have been discharged for. 
  • EU Nationals with a ‘pre-settled status’



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does lend to EU Nationals with a ‘pre-settled status’ under the EU Settlement Scheme

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider buy to let applications from EU Nationals with a ‘pre-settled status’ under the EU Settlement Scheme
  • EU Nationals with a ‘settled status’



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does lend to EU Nationals with a ‘settled status’ under the EU Settlement Scheme.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider buy to let applications from EU Nationals with a ‘settled status’ under the EU Settlement Scheme
  • Energy Performance Rating (EPC) rating 'F' or 'G'


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    We do not accept Buy to Let mortgages on properties that have an EPC rating of 'F' or 'G'

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially offer Buy to Let mortgages on properties that have an EPC rating of 'F' or 'G'
  • Escalating Ground Rents


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not lend on leasehold properties where an escalating ground rent clause exists.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially lend on Buy to Let applications for leasehold properties that have an escalating ground rent clause.
  • Estate Rentcharges



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can potentially consider lending on freehold properties where exists an estate charge for the general upkeep and maintenance of any shared areas.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially lend on Buy to Let applications for freehold properties where 'Estate Rent Charge' clauses exist.
  • Ex MOD properties



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can potentially consider an application on an ex MOD property

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can consider lending on an ex MOD property on a buy to let application.


    Please refer to lender.
  • ExPat Deposit source non-UK


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not consider expat applications where the source of deposit does not originate from the UK.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can accept deposits that have originated outside of the European Economic Area (EEA) as an acceptable source of deposit for Expat Buy to Let applications.
  • Expat Buy to Let


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not accept Expat Buy to Let business.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider Buy to Let applications from expats.
  • Expat Regulated Buy to Let (Let to Family Member)


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not accept Buy to Let mortgages from Expat applicants where the property will be Let to Family Member(s)

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can consider expat buy to let applications where the intention is to Let to a family member
  • Expat UK Credit Profile Required


    We do not accept Expat Buy to Let applications

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not accept Ex-pat applications.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we require expats to have a UK credit profile
  • Expat minimum income


    We do not accept Expat Buy to Let applications

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not accept Ex-Pat applications.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we have a minimum income requirement when assessing expat applications and if so what is it
  • Expat: Holiday Lets


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not accept expat applications at this time.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider applications from expat borrowers that wish to Let the property on a Holiday Let basis.
  • Financial Associates with Adverse


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not accept applicants that are financially associated with persons that have adverse credit.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept Buy to Let applications from an applicant who is financially associated with someone who has adverse credit.
  • First Time Buyers


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not accept Buy to Let applications from 'First Time Buyers'

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider applications from First Time Buyers.
  • First Time Landlords



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can potentially accept Buy to Let applications from 'First Time Landlords'.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider applications from First Time Landlords.
  • Flat/Maisonette Maximum LTV (New Build)


    80 percentage

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can lend on New build flats and maisonettes to a maximum of 80% LTV

    Criteria description:

    Indicates the maximum potential loan to value (LTV) we can accept where the property type is a NEW BUILD flat or NEW BUILD maisonette.
  • Flat/Maisonette Maximum LTV (Standard)


    80 percentage

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can lend on flats and maisonettes to a maximum of 80% LTV

    Please note we do not lend on converted office premises.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates the maximum potential loan to value (LTV) we can accept where the property type is a flat or maisonette and it is NOT considered a new build.
  • Flying Freehold: Maximum acceptable percentage of the gross floor area



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Accepts flying freehold up to a maximum gross floor area of 15%.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates the maximum percentage of gross floor area the flying freehold part covers that can be considered by us


    Agreed on a case by case basis.
  • Foreign Nationals (Living Overseas)


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not lend to Foreign Nationals living overseas.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider applications from foreign nationals living overseas who wish to obtain a BUY TO LET mortgage here in the UK. For example, a Chinese applicant who does not live or work in the UK who wants to purchase property here in the UK on a Buy to Let basis as an investment.
  • Foreign Nationals (WITHOUT indefinite leave to remain)


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not accept applications from foreign nationals that do not have indefinite leave to remain

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we are potentially able to accept applications from foreign nationals that DO NOT have indefinite leave to remain.
  • Foreign Nationals (with indefinite leave to remain)



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can consider applications from foreign nationals WITH indefinite leave to remain

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we are potentially able to accept applications from foreign nationals that have indefinite leave to remain
  • Full Time Landlord



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can potentially accept applications from 'Full Time Landlords'.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially lend to what we consider to be professional landlords. Typically a professional landlord is an applicant whose main income source is from their rental income from property.
  • Gambling (recurring transactions)


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not consider applicants that have recurring gambling transactions

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider applicants with recurrent gambling transactions on BTL applications
  • Green mortgage


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society is unable to consider a Green Mortgage buy to let application

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept a Green Mortgage buy to let application.
  • Guaranteed rental scheme


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not consider applications where a Guaranteed Rental Scheme will be set up

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if a we will consider applications on a Guaranteed Rent Scheme
  • HMO BTL affordability assessment


    does not offer HMO BTL

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not accept HMO applications

    Criteria description:

    This relates to the potential rental calculation we will apply. 
  • HMO First Time Landlord


    We do not accept HMO applications

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not accept HMO applications.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can consider a Buy to Let application on an HMO property from a first time landlord.
  • HMO Maximum LTV


    We do not accept HMO applications

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not accept HMO applications.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates the maximum LTV we can consider for Buy to Let applications on HMO properties
  • HMO Maximum Number of Bedrooms


    We do not accept HMO applications

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not accept HMO applications.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we have a maximum number of bedrooms allowed on HMO properties and if so how many
  • HMO Maximum Number of Kitchens


    We do not accept HMO applications

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not accept HMO applications.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates the maximum number of kitchens permitted by us in an HMO property
  • HMO Maximum Number of Storeys


    We do not accept HMO applications

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not accept HMO applications.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates the maximum number of storeys permitted on HMO properties.
  • HMO Minimum Applicant Experience


    We do not accept HMO applications months

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not accept HMO applications.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we require applicants to have a minimum HMO experience and if so how much (IN MONTHS)
  • HMO Minimum Double Bedroom Square Metre


    We do not accept HMO applications

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not accept HMO applications.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we have a minimum square metreage requirement on a double bedroom and if so what it is.
  • HMO Minimum Property Value


    We do not accept HMO applications

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not accept HMO applications.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we specify a minimum property value for HMO properties and if so what it is.
  • HMO Minimum Single Bedroom Square Metre


    We do not accept HMO applications

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not accept HMO applications.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we have a minimum square metreage requirement on a single bedroom and if so what it is.
  • HMO Unlicensed Acceptable


    We do not accept HMO applications

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not accept HMO applications.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept Buy to Let applications on Houses of Multiple Occupation (HMOs) that are 'unlicensed'
  • HMO rental valuation assessment


    We do not accept HMO applications

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not accept HMO applications.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially use the HMO rental valuation as opposed to standard AST valuation for HMO applications
  • HMO: Communal area in the property


    We do not accept HMO applications

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not accept HMO applications.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider an HMO application without a communal area in the property
  • Historic CIFAS Record (Years)


    Not Acceptable years

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not accept applicants that are named on the CIFAS register.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept Buy to Let applications from an applicant that is on the CIFAS register and if so, what time must have passed in order for them to be potentially accepted by the lender for a new mortgage application.
  • Holiday Lets



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will accept Holiday Lets properties on our specific Holiday Let products. A minimum personal income of £20,000.00 is needed.

    Holiday Lets in Scotland will need to have a a valid licence or undertake to obtain one on any new purchase.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider applications from borrowers that wish to Let the property on a Holiday Let basis.


    Holiday Let sites not acceptable.
  • House of Multiple Occupation (HMO's)


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not lend on 'Houses of Multiple Occupation (HMO)'.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept Buy to Let applications on Houses of Multiple Occupation (HMOs)
  • House/Bungalow Maximum LTV (New Build)


    80 percentage

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can potentially lend up to 80% on new build houses/bungalows.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates the maximum potential loan to value (LTV) we can accept where the property type is a NEW BUILD house/bungalow.
  • House/Bungalow Maximum LTV (Standard)


    80 percentage

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can lend on houses/bungalows to a maximum of 80% LTV

    Criteria description:

    Indicates the maximum potential loan to value (LTV) we can accept where the property type is a house or bungalow and it is NOT considered a new build.
  • Income made up primarily of benefits


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not accept applicants income that is made up primarily of benefits.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept income where it is primarily made up of benefits. An example of this would be where benefit income exceeds earned income or represents more than 50% of total income.
  • Individual Voluntary Arrangements (IVA)



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Satisfied for over 3 years.

    Criteria description:

    Specifies if we are able to potentially consider a Buy to Let application from an applicant who has previously had an Individual Voluntary Arrangement (IVA) registered against them. 

    IMPORTANT NOTE: An IVA usually stays on the credit file for 6 years from the date it was REGISTERED not from the date it was satisfied which typically occurs 5 years after the date the IVA was entered into (the registered date). This is important because some lenders will specify how long it must have been satisfied for and others will use how long ago it was registered.

    This criteria displays if a person who has had an IVA can be considered on a general level but you should read the policy notes and related criteria carefully to dig deeper with regard your clients specific situation.

  • Individual Voluntary Arrangements - IVA (Years satisfied)


    3 years

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Satisfied for over 3 years.

    Criteria description:

    Displays if we accept Buy to Let applications from borrowers who have had an IVA and if so how many years it must have been satisfied for. An IVA is satisfied when the payment plan has been completed. 

    IMPORTANT NOTE: An IVA usually stays on the credit file for 6 years from the date it was REGISTERED not from the date it was satisfied which typically occurs 5 years after the date the IVA was entered into (the registered date). This is important because some lenders will specify how long it must have been satisfied for and others will use how long ago it was registered.

    This criteria displays how long ago it must have been satisfied so you should read the policy notes carefully to check if the lenders specifies how long ago it must have been registered.

  • Individual Voluntary Arrangements - IVA (Years since registered)


    4 years

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Registered over 4 years ago.

    Criteria description:

    Displays if we accept Buy to Let applications from borrowers who have had an IVA and if so how many years ago it must have been registered. An IVA is registered when a payment plan is agreed with the creditors. 

    IMPORTANT NOTE: An IVA usually stays on the credit file for 6 years from the date it was REGISTERED not from the date it was satisfied which typically occurs 5 years after the date the IVA was entered into (the registered date). This is important because some lenders will specify how long it must have been satisfied for and others will use how long ago it was registered. 

    This criteria displays how long ago it must have been registered so you must read the policy notes carefully to check if the lender specifies how long ago it must have been satisfied as well.


    must have been satisfied for at least 3 years
  • Inter-family sales (no discount)



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can potentially consider an application from an inter-family sale with no discount being offered

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can consider an inter-family buy to let application with no discount being offered
  • Japanese Knotweed



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    If Japanese Knotweed or any other invasive species is identified within 7 metres of the property, the application may be declined.

    The Underwriter will have discretion to proceed subject to a suitable eradication program being in place with a member of the Property Care Association (PCA) with an insurance backed warranty

    Criteria description:

    Specifies if we are able to potentially accept applications where there is evidence of Japanese knotweed at the property or near the property.
  • Joint application sole proprietor


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not accept applications on a joint application sole proprietor basis.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we will accept applications from joint borrowers where only ONE applicant will OWN the property.
  • Late Payments (Not Missed)



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Maximum status 1 in the last 2 years

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if a we can potentially consider buy to let applications from applicants who have a history of late payments (NOT REGISTERED AS MISSED) on any credit agreements they hold.
  • Layered company Ltd BTL


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    This is not acceptable to the Society.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we will consider a Limited Company Buy to Let application from a layered Ltd Company
  • Leasehold Property where No Separate Management Company Exists


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not lend on leasehold properties where no separate management company exists.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially lend on Buy to Let applications for leasehold properties where no separate management company exists.
  • Legal: No search indemnity insurance (purchases)


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society is unable to accept ‘no-search indemnity insurance’ for a purchase application

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept ‘no-search indemnity insurance’ for a purchase application
  • Legal: No search indemnity insurance (remortgages)


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society is unable to accept ‘no-search indemnity insurance’ for a remortgage application

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept ‘no-search indemnity insurance’ for a remortgage application
  • Legal: Private local authority search (purchases)


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society is unable to accept a private local authority search for a purchase application

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept a private local authority search for a purchase application
  • Legal: Private local authority search (remortgages)


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society is unable to accept a private local authority search for a remortgage application

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept a private local authority search for a remortgage application
  • Lender or Group Lending Limit



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Won't lend over £1.5 million.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we have a maximum exposure limit a borrower can have with us or within our group.
  • Lender or Group Maximum Number of Mortgages


    No Maximum

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    No maximum whole portfolio must be self financing.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we have a maximum number of mortgages a borrower can have with us or within our group. 
  • Lending Location: Channel Islands


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not lend on properties in the Channel Islands.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider Buy to Let lending on properties located in the Channel Islands.
  • Lending Location: England



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Acceptable to Bath Building Society

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider Buy to Let lending on properties located in England.
  • Lending Location: Isle of Man


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not lend on properties on the Isle of Man.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider lending on properties located on the Isle of Man.
  • Lending Location: Isle of Wight



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Acceptable to Bath Building Society

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider lending on properties located on the Isle of Wight
  • Lending Location: Northern Ireland


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not lend on properties in Northern Ireland.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider lending on properties located in Northern Ireland.
  • Lending Location: Scilly Isles


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not lend on properties in the Scilly Isles.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider lending on properties located in the Scilly Isles.
  • Lending Location: Scotland



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does lend on properties in mainland Scotland and the following islands:

    • The Shetlands
    • The Orkneys
    • Arran
    • Bute
    • Skye
    • Harris & Lewis
    • Mull
    • Islay

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider lending on properties located in Scotland.


    Please note, that valuations can take longer to book in the Scottish Isles.
  • Lending Location: Wales



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Acceptable to Bath Building Society

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider lending on properties located in Wales.
  • Lending against Uplifted Value following Refurbishment Works



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will use the uplifted value in this situation. Refer to Lender.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially offer a remortgage and use the uplifted value of the property following recent works of improvement. For example, Jon purchases a property for £150,000 and spend a couple of months doing the place up following which the property is now worth £250,000. Jon now wants to find a lender who will allow him to raise capital based on the newly enhanced value.
  • Let to Buy (Remortgage current residential to Buy to Let)



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can potentially accept Let to Buy applications where looking to convert the existing residential mortgage to a Buy to Let mortgage with us

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept applications to remortgage onto a buy to let basis when the current mortgage is residential.


    Must have an onward purchase.
  • Let to Rent


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not consider Buy to Let remortgage applications where the property is currently the applicants main residence but will now be Let and the applicant will be moving into separate rented accomodation

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we will allow an applicant to remortgage their current residential property onto a Buy to Let mortgage and then move into rented accomodation as opposed to purchasing a new main residence.
  • Let to move in with family


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    The applicant must be an owner-occupier.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we will allow an applicant to remortgage their current residential property onto a Buy to Let mortgage and then move in with family as opposed to purchasing a new main residence.
  • Limited Company (SPV) Minimum trading period


    No Minimum months

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Companies formed solely for the purpose of property letting (SPV’s) are acceptable from day one.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if there is a minimum trading period for 'Special Purpose Vehicle Limited Companies' and if so how long IN MONTHS this is.
  • Limited Company (SPV) applicant definition


    Directors & Shareholders

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    All shareholders must be directors for the Society to consider the application. All directors must be applicants.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we consider both 'Directors AND Shareholders' as applicants or 'Directors' only when assessing applications from Special Purpose Vehicle Ltd Companies.


    All directors must be applicants.
  • Limited Company (SPV) maximum number of applicants



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    The Society can consider a maximum of 4 applicants.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates the maximum number of applicants we can consider when lending to Special Purpose Vehicle Limited Companies.


    All shareholders must be directors. All directors must be applicants.
  • Limited Company (SPV) shareholders required to provide personal guarantees



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    All shareholders must be directors. All directors must be an applicant with a personal guarantee.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we require shareholders in a 'Special Purpose Vehicle' Limited Company to provide personal guarantees as well as the 'Directors'.
  • Limited Company (Trading) Min Trading Period


    36 months

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Companies whose primary business is not property letting must have been trading for at least 3 years.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if there is a minimum trading period for 'Trading Limited Companies' and if so how long IN MONTHS this is.
  • Limited Company (Trading) applicant definition


    Directors & Shareholders

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    All shareholders must be directors for the Society to consider the application. All directors must be an applicant with a personal guarantee. Companies whose primary business is not property letting must have been trading for at least 3 years.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we consider both 'Directors AND Shareholders' as applicants or 'Directors' only when assessing applications from Trading Ltd Companies.


    Companies whose primary business is not property letting must have been trading for at least 3 years.
  • Limited Company (Trading) maximum number of applicants



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    The maximum applicants allowed is 4.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates the maximum number of applicants we can consider when lending to Trading Limited Companies


    All shareholders must be directors. All directors must be applicants.
  • Limited Company (Trading) shareholders required to provide personal guarantees



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    All shareholders must be directors for the Society to consider the application.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we require shareholders in a 'Trading' Limited Company to provide personal guarantees as well as the 'Directors'.
  • Limited Company Buy to Let



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    The Society can accept applications from Limited Companies.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept Buy to Let applications from Limited Companies


    • Companies whose primary business is not property letting must have been trading for at least 3 years.
    • Companies formed solely for the purpose of property letting (SPV’s) are acceptable from day one.
    • Personal Guarantees are required from all Company Directors.
    • Top-slicing is NOT permitted
  • Limited Company Buy to Let (Special Purpose Vehicle SPV)



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Companies formed solely for the purpose of property letting (SPV’s) are acceptable from day one.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept Buy to Let applications from Limited Companies where the Ltd company is set up as a 'Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV)'.
  • Limited Company Buy to Let (Trading Company - No SPV)



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Companies whose primary business is not property letting must have been trading for at least 3 years.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept Buy to Let applications from Trading Limited Companies. Trading Limited Companies are companies that are not set up exclusively for the purpose of buying property for example a trading ltd company that sells furniture as its primary function.
  • Limited Company Maximum Age of Director / Shareholder / Applicant at application


    No Maximum

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    The Society has no maximum age for buy to let applications.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates the maximum age an applicant can be at application.


    Affordability must be proven into retirement.
  • Ltd Co BTL: Source of deposit is from applicants other company


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    This Society won't accept a deposit from another Ltd Company

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we consider a Limited Company Buy to Let application where the source of deposit is from applicants other company
  • Maximum Aggregate Portfolio LTV (within group or lender)



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Refer to lender.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we specify a maximum LTV of all properties owned by the applicants that are mortgaged to them or their group.
  • Maximum Ground Rent (as % of Property Value/Purchase Price)


    No Maximum

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society has no maximum threshold percentage against the property value that the ground rent cannot exceed.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we have a maximum threshold, and if so what it is, that the ground rent on a leasehold property cannot exceed measured against the property value on Buy to Let applications. For example, Applicant 'A' is purchasing a leasehold flat valued at £100,000 that has a ground rent payable annually of £100. This ground rent equates to 0.1% of the property value. Lender 'A' has no maximum threshold on ground rents and therefor Applicant 'A' is able to proceed with a mortgage application on this property.
  • Maximum LTV across the whole portfolio



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Refer to lender.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we specify a maximum LTV of all properties owned by the applicants across their entire portfolio. This includes mortgages held with the lender and group and all other mortgages held with other lenders.
  • Maximum Loan Size (80% LTV)



    Criteria Policy Notes:


    Criteria description:

    Indicates the maximum potential loan size we can consider lending at 80% loan to value or less. Be aware that this relates to the maximum and other factors may reduce this maximum such as property type etc.
  • Maximum Loan to Value (LTV)


    80 percentage

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society has a maximum of 80% LTV on BTL.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates the maximum LTV we can consider for Buy to Let applications
  • Maximum Mortgage Arrears in last 24 Months


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not consider Buy to Let applicants with any mortgage arrears in the previous 24 months.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept Buy to Let applications from an applicant who has mortgage arrears in the past 2 years and if so what is the maximum number of missed payments in the past 2 years that can be accepted.
  • Maximum Number of CCJs (Satisfied)


    No Maximum

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Maximum £500 registered in last 3 years, satisfied at application.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can consider Buy to Let applications from applicants with previously satisfied CCJs and if so what the maximum allowable number registered against an applicant is. For example, applicant 'A' has 3 previously satisfied CCJs in the past 6 years and Lender 'A' says the maximum number they will allow is 2 registered on the applicants credit file. Therefore applicant 'A' would be unable to apply for a mortgage with Lender 'A' at this time. Other factors may also be factored in such as (but no limited to) total value and other adverse credit.
  • Maximum Number of CCJs (Unsatisfied)



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not consider applicants with unsatisfied CCJs.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can consider Buy to Let applications from applicants with unsatisfied CCJs and if so what the maximum allowable number registered against an applicant is. For example, applicant 'A' has 3 previously unsatisfied CCJs in the past 6 years and Lender 'A' says the maximum number they will allow is 2 registered on the applicants credit file. Therefore applicant 'A' would be unable to apply for a mortgage with Lender 'A' at this time. Other factors may also be factored in such as (but no limited to) total value and other adverse credit.
  • Maximum Number of Defaults (Satisfied)


    No Maximum

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Max £2,500 Satisfied over 2 years.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can consider Buy to Let applications from applicants with previously satisfied Defaults and if so what the maximum allowable number registered against an applicant is. For example, applicant 'A' has 3 previously satisfied Defaults in the past 6 years and Lender 'A' says the maximum number they will allow is 2 registered on the applicants credit file. Therefore applicant 'A' would be unable to apply for a mortgage with Lender 'A' at this time. Other factors may also be factored in such as (but no limited to) total value and other adverse credit.
  • Maximum Number of Defaults (Unsatisfied)



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not consider applicants with unsatisfied Defaults.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can consider Buy to Let applications from applicants with unsatisfied Defaults and if so what the maximum allowable number registered against an applicant is. For example, applicant 'A' has 3 previously unsatisfied Defaults in the past 6 years and Lender 'A' says the maximum number they will allow is 2 registered on the applicants credit file. Therefore applicant 'A' would be unable to apply for a mortgage with Lender 'A' at this time. Other factors may also be factored in such as (but no limited to) total value and other adverse credit.
  • Maximum Term (Years)


    40 years

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    40 years maximum term

    Criteria description:

    Indicates the maximum term a Buy to Let mortgage can be taken over.
  • Maximum Unsecured Arrears in last 24 Months



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Maximum status 1 in the last 2 years and must be satisfied for at least 12 months.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept Buy to Let applications from an applicant who has unsecured arrears in the past 2 years and if so what is the maximum number of missed payments in the past 2 years that can be accepted.
  • Maximum Value of CCJs (Satisfied)



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Maximum £500 registered in last 3 years, satisfied at application.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider Buy to Let applications from applicants with previously satisfied CCJs and if so what the maximum allowable value of all registered against an applicant is. For example, applicant 'A' has 3 previously satisfied CCJs in the past 6 years totaling £1,230 and Lender 'A' says the maximum value they will allow is £500 registered on the applicants credit file. Therefore applicant 'A' would be unable to apply for a mortgage with Lender 'A' at this time. Other factors may also be factored in such as (but no limited to) total number registered and other adverse credit registered against the applicant.
  • Maximum Value of CCJs (Unsatisfied)



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not consider applicants with unsatisfied CCJs.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can consider Buy to Let applications from applicants with unsatisfied CCJs and if so what the maximum allowable value of all registered against an applicant is. For example, applicant 'A' has 3 unsatisfied CCJs in the past 6 years totaling £1,230 and Lender 'A' says the maximum value they will allow is £500 registered on the applicants credit file. Therefore applicant 'A' would be unable to apply for a mortgage with Lender 'A' at this time. Other factors may also be factored in such as (but no limited to) total number registered and other adverse credit registered against the applicant.
  • Maximum Value of Defaults (Satisfied)



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Max £2,500 Satisfied over 2 years.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider Buy to Let applications from applicants with previously satisfied Defaults and if so what the maximum allowable value of all registered against an applicant is. For example, applicant 'A' has 3 previously satisfied Defaults in the past 6 years totaling £1,230 and Lender 'A' says the maximum value they will allow is £500 registered on the applicants credit file. Therefore applicant 'A' would be unable to apply for a mortgage with Lender 'A' at this time. Other factors may also be factored in such as (but no limited to) total number registered and other adverse credit registered against the applicant.
  • Maximum Value of Defaults (Unsatisfied)



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not consider applicants with unsatisfied Defaults.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider Buy to Let applications from applicants with unsatisfied Defaults and if so what the maximum allowable value of all registered against an applicant is. For example, applicant 'A' has 3 unsatisfied Defaults in the past 6 years totaling £1,230 and Lender 'A' says the maximum value they will allow is £500 registered on the applicants credit file. Therefore applicant 'A' would be unable to apply for a mortgage with Lender 'A' at this time. Other factors may also be factored in such as (but no limited to) total number registered and other adverse credit registered against the applicant.
  • Maximum debt to income ratio


    No Maximum

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    We dont have a maximum as longs as it fits income multipliers and affordability

    Criteria description:

    Indicates the maximum potential debt to income (DTI) ratio we might accept for Buy to Let applications. For example, an applicant has outstanding unsecured debts of £26,000 and a salary of £40,000. Therefore their DTI is 65%.
  • Maximum length of time of assured shorthold tenancy (AST)


    No Maximum

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    All property must be let under a standard Assured Shorthold Tenancy. There is no maximum amount of time.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates the maximum number of months we specify is required on an Assured Shorthold Tenancy (AST)
  • Maximum number of applicants allowed



    Criteria Policy Notes:


    Criteria description:

    The maximum number of applicants able to go on a Buy to Let mortgage application.
  • Maximum number of rental properties MORTGAGED with ALL lenders


    No Maximum

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society has no maximum limit to the number of Buy to Let mortgages applicants hold with other lenders.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if there is a maximum number of mortgaged Buy to Let properties and if so how many, an applicant can have in the background. 
  • Maximum number of storeys considered for lending on ex local authority flats


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    We dont lend on ex-local authority flats

    Criteria description:

    Indicates the maximum number of stories we can consider when lending on ex local authority high rise flats.
  • Maximum number of storeys considered for lending on flats



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Maximum 6 stories but anything over 4 stories needs to be lift served

    Criteria description:

    Indicates the maximum number of storeys we can consider when lending on high rise flats.


    Anything over 4 stories needs to be lift served.
  • Maximum number of students considered on one AST



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will allow up to 2 students on a single AST

    Criteria description:

    Indicates the maximum number of students we can consider on a single AST
  • Maximum number of tenants on an assured shorthold tenancy (AST)



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can consider applications where there are no more than 4 tenants on the Assured Shorthold Tenancy (AST).

    Criteria description:

    Indicates the maximum number of tenants permitted by us on a single Assured Shorthold Tenancy
  • Minimum Income Requirement



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society has a minimum income of £20,000 after commitments.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we have a minimum income requirement for Buy to Let applications and if so what it is.
  • Minimum Landlord Experience (in MONTHS)


    No Minimum months

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society has no minimum experience requirement for applicants

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we require a minimum amount of experience (IN MONTHS) when lending on Buy to Let applications
  • Minimum Length of Time Employed (in MONTHS)


    No Minimum months

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society has no minimum length of time applicants need to have been in continuous employment. The applicant cannot be in a probation period.

    Criteria description:

    Specifies if there is a minimum number of months (if so how many) employed applicants must have been continuously employed on Buy to Let applications.
  • Minimum Loan Size



    Criteria Policy Notes:


    Criteria description:

    Indicates the minimum loan size (if there is one) that we accept for new applications.
  • Minimum Percentage of Properties under Private Ownership on Ex-Local Authority Blocks of Flats



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society requires a minimum of 75% under private ownership in a block of ex-local authority flats.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially lend on a ex-local authority flat/apartments and if so is there a minimum percentage in the block that must be privately owned when assessing Buy to Let applications.
  • Minimum Property Value for standard Buy to Let lending



    Criteria Policy Notes:


    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we have a minimum property value they require for new Buy to Let applications.
  • Minimum Term (Years)


    5 years

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    5 years

    Criteria description:

    Indicates the minimum term a Buy to Let mortgage can be taken over.
  • Minimum length of time of assured shorthold tenancy (AST)



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    6 Months minimum.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates the minimum number of months we specify is required on an Assured Shorthold Tenancy (AST)
  • Minimum remaining lease at application


    55 years

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Interest Only must have a minimum of 80 years at end of the mortgage term, repayment must have a minimum of 50 years

    Criteria description:

    Indicates the minimum required lease remaining at date of application we can potentially accept. 


    Lease must have 50 years left from the natural term end of the mortgage
  • Minimum remaining lease at end of term


    50 years

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Interest Only must have a minimum of 80 years at end of the mortgage term, repayment must have a minimum of 50 years

    Criteria description:

    Indicates the minimum required lease remaining at the end of the mortgage term we can potentially accept.
  • Months passed where Mortgage Arrears can be ignored


    36 months

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not consider applicants with any mortgage arrears on their credit file within the last 3 years.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially ignore mortgage arrears that are historic and if so at what point they can potentially be ignored when assessing Buy to Let mortgage applications.
  • Multi Unit Freehold (multiple properties on same title)


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not lend on 'Multi Unit Freehold' properties.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially lend on single title multi-unit properties
  • Multi Unit Freehold Maximum Number of Flats



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building will accept up to 3 flats in a Multi Unit Freehold.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates the maximum number of units permitted on a single title multi unit property
  • Multi Unit Minimum Floor Area of each Unit Requirement (Sq Meters)



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Each flat must have a minimum of 30sqm.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if there is a minimum square meterage requirement on a single title multi unit property
  • New Build Warranty: AEDIS


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not accept AEDIS as an acceptable new build warranty

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if AEDIS  is an acceptable new build warranty for us on new build properties.
  • New Build Warranty: Build Assure


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not accept Build Assure as an acceptable new build warranty.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if Build Assure is an acceptable new build warranty for us on new build properties.
  • New Build Warranty: Building Life Plans


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not accept Building Life Plans as an acceptable new build warranty.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if Building Life Plans is an acceptable new build warranty for us on new build properties.
  • New Build Warranty: Buildzone



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Acceptable to Bath Building Society

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if Buildzone is an acceptable new build warranty for us on new build properties.
  • New Build Warranty: CRL Management Ltd


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not accept CRL Management Ltd as an acceptable new build warranty.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if CRL Management Ltd is an acceptable new build warranty for us on new build properties.
  • New Build Warranty: Checkmate (Castle 10)



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society accepts Ceckmate Castle 10 as an acceptable new build warranty.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if Checkmate (Castle 10) is an acceptable new build warranty for us on new build properties.
  • New Build Warranty: Global Home Warranties


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not accept Global Home Warranties as an acceptable new build warranty.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if Global Home Warranties is an acceptable new build warranty for us on new build properties.
  • New Build Warranty: ICW



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society accepts ICW as an acceptable new build warranty

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept ICW as an acceptable new build warranty
  • New Build Warranty: LABC



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society accepts LABC as an acceptable new build warranty.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if LABC is an acceptable new build warranty for us on new build properties.
  • New Build Warranty: NHBC Guarantee



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society accepts NHBC as an acceptable new build warranty.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if NHBC Guarantee is an acceptable new build warranty for us on new build properties.
  • New Build Warranty: Premier Guarantee Scheme



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Acceptable to Bath Building Society

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if Premier Guarantee Scheme is an acceptable new build warranty for us on new build properties.
  • New Build Warranty: Professional Consultants Certificate



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will accept Professional Consultants Certificate as an acceptable new build warranty.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if Professional Consultants Certificate is an acceptable new build warranty for us on new build properties.
  • New Build Warranty: Protek


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not accept Protek as an acceptable new build warranty.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if Protek is an acceptable new build warranty for us on new build properties.
  • New Build Warranty: Q Assure Build


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not accept Q Assure Build as an acceptable new build warranty.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if Q Assure Build is an acceptable new build warranty for us on new build properties.
  • New Build Warranty: Zurich Municipal "New Build"



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society accepts Zurich Municipal "New Build" as an acceptable new build warranty.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if Zurich Municipal "New Build" is an acceptable new build warranty for us on new build properties.
  • Non Owner Occupier


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not accept Buy to Let applications from 'Non Owner Occupiers'.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept an applicant that is a non-owner occupier for a Buy to Let application. 
    This is not to be confused with a First Time Buyer or First Time Landlord.
  • Number of credit reference agencies used



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    We underwrite all cases manually and use Equifax as a credit agency.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates the number of credit reference agencies we may use during the entire application process. 
  • Offer expiry time (New Build)


    180 days

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    All offers are valid for 6 months

    Criteria description:

    Displays the number of days a NEW BUILD Buy to Let mortgage offer is valid for.
  • Offer expiry time (Standard)


    180 days

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    6 months

    Criteria description:

    Displays the number of days a STANDARD Buy to Let mortgage offer is valid for.
  • Offset Mortgages Available?



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not offer offset mortgages.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can offer Buy to Let offset mortgages (subject to product availability).
  • Overpayment facility as standard (percentage)


    20 percentage

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    20% without incurring any charges

    Criteria description:

    Indicates the amount you can usually overpay (subject to product availability) without penalty on our Buy to Let mortgages. 

  • Ownership of Adjoining Property (Related Transaction)



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Refer to lender.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially lend on a property where the adjoining property is also owned by one of the applicants.
  • Permission to Self Occupy Holiday Let Property



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will allow borrowers to 'self occupy' their Holiday Let property up to 60 days a year

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider applications from borrowers that wish to Let the property on a Holiday Let basis and occupy the property themselves from time to time. For example whilst the property is predominantly Let on a Holiday Let a few weeks a year the applicant would like to stay in the property.
  • Politically exposed persons


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not consider an applicant that is classed as a politically exposed person.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept Buy to Let applications from an applicant that is considered a politically exposed person.
  • Portable mortgages as standard



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    All Bath Building Society mortgages are full portable

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if our Buy to Let mortgages are portable as standard.
  • Portfolio Applicants Minimum Income Requirement



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Minimum income £20,000 after all personal debts

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we specifiy a minimum income an applicant must earn in order to be considered for a Buy to Let mortgage where the applicant is considered a portfolio landlord.
  • Portfolio Landlord Minimum Experience


    No Minimum months

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    No minimum experience requirement.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we require a minimum amount of experience (IN MONTHS) if lending to what we consider to be a portfolio landlord.
  • Portfolio Landlords Position and Definition



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society specifies a 'Portfolio Landlord' as 4 or more completed qualifying rental properties that are mortgaged or unencumbered. The number of qualifying properties that constitutes a 'Portfolio Landlord' is All applicants combined Buy To Let properties. A qualifying property:

      • Includes Privately owned Buy to Let rental properties
      • Includes Company owned Buy to Let rental properties
      • where the applicant has a shareholding of more than 1 %
      • Includes Consent to Let properties
      • Includes Holiday Lets
      • Single title multi unit properties are counted as one property.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can accept 'Portfolio' landlords and IMPORTANTLY how they define a portfolio landlord.
  • Post Offer Changes



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not allow post offer changes.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we will allow post-offer changes
  • Power of Attorneys



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can potentially consider an applicant from someone acting as a power of attorney.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept Buy to Let applications from an applicant that is acting with Power of Attorney.
  • Premium lease agreements (tenancies where a proportion of the rent is paid upfront)


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not accept 'Premium Lease Agreements' where a prospective tenant is paying their rent as an advanced payment.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider applications where the applicant's tenant will be paying their rent as an advance payment. 
  • Previously Repossessed (years ago acceptable)


    Not Acceptable years

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not accept applications from borrowers who have previously had a property repossessed.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can accept Buy to Let applications from applicants that have previously been repossessed and if so how many years need to have passed to be acceptable.
  • Properties with Asbestos



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can potentially lend on properties where Asbestos is identified.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially lend on a property where there is evidence of asbestos present.


    Bath Building Society can potentially lend on properties where Asbestos is identified but will be assessed on a case by case basis.
  • Property Construction: 100% Timber Construction


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not lend on 100% timber construction properties.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we are able to potentially accept 100% timber construction properties - this is NOT the same as timber framed.
  • Property Construction: BOPAS accreditation required for non-standard construction



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society may require BOPAS accreditation for non-standard construction where the construction type is acceptable to us

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if BOPAS accreditation is required for non-standard construction where the non-standard construction type is acceptable to us
  • Property Construction: British Iron and Steel Federation (BISF)



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can potentially lend on properties where the construction type is British Iron and Steel Federation (BISF) must be build post 1987

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider properties where the construction type is British Iron and Steel Federation (BISF)
  • Property Construction: Concrete construction



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will lend on concrete construction properties.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we are able to potentially accept concrete construction properties.


    Subject to valuers comments
  • Property Construction: Converted church



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can potentially consider an application on a converted church

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider an application on a converted church
  • Property Construction: Cornish construction


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not lend on cornish construction properties.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider properties where the construction type is Cornish
  • Property Construction: Dutch barns


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not lend on Dutch Barn properties

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider Dutch Barn properties
  • Property Construction: EWS1 required on properties with combustible cladding or materials on balconies?



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not lend on properties with combustible cladding or materials on balconies without a EWS1 form

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we require an EWS1 certificate for properties with combustible cladding or materials on balconies
  • Property Construction: Easiform



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can potentially lend on easiform construction properties.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we are able to potentially accept Easiform construction properties.


    Subject to valuers comments
  • Property Construction: Flying Freehold



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    No more than 15% flying freehold

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept properties where there exists a flying freehold.
  • Property Construction: Insulating concrete form (ICF)



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can potentially lend on properties where the construction type is Insulating concrete form (ICF)

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider properties where the construction type is Insulating concrete form (ICF)
  • Property Construction: Large Panel System (LPS)


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not lend on properties where the construction type is Large Panel System (LPS)

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider properties where the construction type is Large Panel System (LPS)
  • Property Construction: Majority Flat Roof



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Reliant on valuers comments

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially able to accept Buy to Let applications on properties that have majority flat roof. We classify 'majority' as anything over 50%.

  • Property Construction: Modern method of construction (MMC)



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does lend on properties where the construction type is modern method of construction (MMC).

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept applications on properties where the construction type is Modern method of construction (MMC).


    Subject to valuers comments and being an accredited scheme
  • Property Construction: Mundic block



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can potentially lend on properties where the construction type is mundic block.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept applications on properties where the construction type is Mundic block.


    Subject valuers comments and petrographic test
  • Property Construction: No-Fines



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can potentially lend on properties where the construction type is no-fines.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept applications on properties where the construction type is No-Fines.


    Acceptable - subject to valuers comments.
  • Property Construction: Non repaired prefabricated reinforced concrete


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not lend on properties that are constructed of non repaired prefabricated reinforced concrete.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept NON repaired prefabricated reinforced concrete as suitable security for lending purposes.
  • Property Construction: Off site manufactured (MMC)



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can potentially lend on properties where the construction type is Off site manufactured (MMC)

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider properties where the construction type is Off site manufactured (MMC)
  • Property Construction: Potton Homes



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can potentially lend on a Potton Home property

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider Potton Home properties
  • Property Construction: Repaired prefabricated reinforced concrete



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can potentially lend on properties that are constructed of repaired prefabricated reinforced concrete.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept repaired prefabricated reinforced concrete as suitable security for lending purposes.


    Subject to valuers comments.
  • Property Construction: Single skin


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not lend on single skin properties

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider single skin properties
  • Property Construction: Steel framed



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can potentially lend on properties where the construction type is steel framed.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept steel framed properties as suitable lending security.


    Subject to valuers comments. Must be built post 1987
  • Property Construction: Structural Insulated Panel Solutions (SIPs)



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can potentially lend on properties where the construction type is Structural Insulated Panel Solutions (SIPs).

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider properties where the construction type is Structural Insulated Panel Solutions (SIPs)


    Subject to being BOPAS accredited
  • Property Construction: Thatched roof



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Acceptable - subject to valuers comments

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept properties that have any element of a thatched roof.
  • Property Construction: Timber framed



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Modern Timber Framed post 1970 acceptable but exterior wall must be brick/block/stone

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept timber framed properties.
  • Property Construction: Timber framed (1900 to 1970)



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can potentially consider lending on properties that are a timber frame construction dating between 1900 to 1970. Subject to a full structural warranty.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially lend on a property that is of Timber-Framed construction built between 1900 to 1970 for Buy to Let applications.
  • Property Construction: Timber framed (Post 1970)



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can potentially consider lending on properties that are a timber frame construction dating between 1900 to 1970.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially lend on a property that is of Timber-Framed construction built after 1970 for Buy to Let applications.


    Subject to a full structural warranty.
  • Property Construction: Timber framed (Pre 1900)


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not lend on properties that are a timber frame construction dating pre 1900.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially lend on a property that is of Timber-Framed construction built prior to 1900 for Buy to Let applications.
  • Property Construction: Tower Block with Cladding



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can potentially lend on flats in a tower block that has cladding.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider lending on a property in a tower block with cladding


    Will require an EWS1 form.
  • Property Construction: Wholly Timbered


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not lend on a wholly timbered property

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider wholly timbered property
  • Property Construction: Woolaway



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can potentially lend on a woolaway property

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider a woolaway property


    If repaired with the benefit of NHBC or Zurich warranty.
  • Property Developers


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not accept Buy to Let applications from individuals they deem property developers.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept applications from property developers
  • Property Factors: Mine Shafts


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not lend on properties that are close to a mine shaft.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially lend on a property that is close to a mine shaft for Buy to Let applications.
  • Property Factors: Overhead power lines



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can potentially lend on properties that have overhead power lines running above them. If the line do not run directly over the property we can potentially consider a case.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially lend on properties that have overhead power lines running above them.
  • Property Factors: Property needing Refurbishment before Letting


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not consider a Buy to Let application where the property requires refurbishment before it can be Let.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider Buy to Let applications where refurbishment is required
  • Property Factors: Underpinned within last 10 years



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can potentially lend of properties that have been underpinned in the last 10 years. Subject to a full structural warranty.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially lend on properties that have been underpinned in the last 10 years on Buy to Let applications
  • Property Issues: Absentee freeholder



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can consider a BTL application with an absentee freeholder providing the solicitor confirms indemnity insurance would fully protect.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially assist with a BTL application where there is an absentee freeholder.
  • Property Issues: Overage Clause


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not consider a property with an Overage Clause

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider a property with an Overage Clause
  • Property Ownership: Possessory Title


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not lend on properties that are subject to a possessory title.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially lend on Buy to Let applications for properties that only have possessory title.
  • Property Ownership: Shared access or shared services



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can potentially consider a property with shared access or shared services

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider a property with shared access or shared services


  • Property Ownership: Splitting of a title deed on completion



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can potentially consider an application where the splitting of a title deed will take place on completion

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider an application where the splitting of a title deed will take place on completion
  • Property Ownership: Tenancy in Common with Unequal Shares


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not consider joint applications where the property ownership will be as tenancy in common with unequal shares.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially lend on Buy to Let applications on properties where the joint ownership is set up on a tenants in common basis where each owner has an unequal share. For example, Applicant 'A' owns 70% of the property and Applicant 'B' owns 30%.
  • Property Ownership: Trust


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not lend on properties that are owned by a trust.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially lend on Buy to Let applications for properties that are owned by a trust.
  • Property Type: Basement flat


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not lend on a basement flat

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially lend on a basement flat
  • Property Type: Coach house



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can potentially lend on coach houses

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider a coach house property
  • Property Type: Ex local auth flat/maisonette


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not lend on ex local authority flats or maisonettes.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially able to lend on ex local authority flats/maisonettes.
  • Property Type: Ex local authority house/bungalow



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Must be 75% privately owned.
    Non standard construction properties not accepted.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially lend on ex local authority houses/bungalows.


    Non standard construction properties not accepted.
    Flats not accepted
  • Property Type: Flat above commercial food outlet



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can potentially lend on flats above commercial food outlets.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept flats above a commercial food outlet.


    Case by case basis we will look at. Fast food outlets, betting shops not acceptable. Other commercial outlets considered
  • Property Type: Flat above commercial offices



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Refer to lender.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept flats that are above commercial offices.
  • Property Type: Flat above commercial pub


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not lend on flats above pubs.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept flats that are above a pub.
  • Property Type: Freehold flats and maisonettes


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not lend on freehold flats and maisonettes in England & Wales.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept a flat or maisonette where the tenure is freehold.
  • Property Type: Grade 1 listed building



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can potentially lend on properties that are classified as a Grade 1 Listed Building.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider lending on property classified as a Grade 1 listed building. Categories of listed buildings in England & Wales: Grade I: buildings of exceptional interest. Grade II*: particularly important buildings of more than special interest. Grade II: buildings that are of special interest, warranting every effort to preserve them.


    Refer to lender.
    Assessed on a case by case basis
  • Property Type: Grade 2 Listed Building



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can potentially lend on properties that are classified as a Grade 2 Listed Building.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider lending on property classified as a Grade 2 Listed Building. Categories of listed buildings in England & Wales: Grade I: buildings of exceptional interest. Grade II*: particularly important buildings of more than special interest. Grade II: buildings that are of special interest, warranting every effort to preserve them.


    Refer to lender.
    Assessed on a case by case basis
  • Property Type: Studio Flat Minimum Floor Area (Sq Metres)



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Our minimum square metre requirement when lending on studio flats is 30 sqm.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates the area in square metres required when lending on studio flats for Buy to Let lending.
  • Property Type: Studio flat



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can lend on studio flats.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially lend on studio flats.


    Must have a minimum of 30 sqm
  • Property being purchased at auction



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will consider a Buy to Let application where the property will be purchased at auction

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider an application where the property will be purchased at auction
  • Property factor: Spray foam insulation



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can potentially lend on properties with spray foam insulation.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider properties where there is spray foam insulation


    Subject to valuer's comments.
  • Property factors: Next to commercial (Class A1 – shops and retail outlets)



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can potentially lend on properties that border class A1 commercial premises.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially lend on a property where it borders Class A1 commercial premises. Class A1 businesses are shops and retail.
  • Property factors: Next to commercial (Class A2 – professional services)



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can potentially lend on properties that border class A2 commercial premises.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially lend on a property where it borders Class A2 commercial premises. Class A2 businesses are professional services.
  • Property factors: Next to commercial (Class A3 – food and drink)


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not lend on properties that border class A3 commercial premises.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially lend on a property where it borders Class A3 commercial premises. Class A3 businesses are for food and drink.
  • Property factors: Next to commercial (Class A4 – drinking establishments)


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not lend on properties that border class A4 commercial premises.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially lend on a property where it borders Class A4 commercial premises. Class A4 businesses are drinking establishments.
  • Property usage: Agricultural restrictions


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not lend on properties with agricultural restrictions.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept properties that have agricultural restrictions.
  • Property with Restrictive Covenant Section 106



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does lend on properties that have a section 106 restrictive covenant, subject to mortgagee in possession clause. Refer to Lender.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept Buy to Let applications on properties that are subject to a Section 106 restrictive covenant.
  • Property with acreage



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    As long as no commercial activity is taking place. Up to 6 acres max

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept properties that have a significant amount of land (properties that have acreage).
  • Property with deck access


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not lend on properties with deck access.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept properties that have deck access.
  • Property with more than one kitchen



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can potentially lend on properties that have more than one kitchen

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept an application where the security property has more than one kitchen. This is not the same as a property split into two or more units or a House of Multiple Occupation (HMO).


    Case by case basis. Would need to know full details of the property
  • Purchase and rent back to the builders as a show home


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not consider a Buy to Let application where the applicant will purchase a new build property and rent back to the builders as a show home

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider a Buy to Let application where the applicant will purchase a new build property and rent back to the builders as a show home
  • Purchase applications where existing tenants will remain in the property



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can potentially accept situations on purchase applications where there is a tenant in situ at the property where it is the intention to allow them to remain as the ongoing tenant.

    The tenant must be occupying the property on an AST

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept situations where the property being purchased on a Buy to Let basis has an existing tenant who wishes to remain in the property and therefore vacant possession on completion would not exist.
  • Purchase from Individual Name to Limited Company (Related Transaction)



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    The Society can consider an application Limited Company wishes to purchase a property from one of its directors or shareholders.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept an application where a Limited Company wishes to purchase a property from one of its directors or shareholders. This is typically referred to as a 'Related Transaction'.


    We do not accept an undervalue purchase of this nature.
  • Purchase from Limited Company to Individual Name (Related Transaction)



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can consider this.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept an application where the purchaser is looking to purchase a property from a limited company for which he/she is a shareholder.


    Purchase would have to be "at arms length".
  • Regulated Buy to Let (Let to Family Member)



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can potentially accept 'Regulated Buy to Let' applications. Any rental income will be ignored and the application must pass the Society’s standard affordability test.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider Buy to Let applications where the intention is to Let the property to a family member.


    Any rental income will be ignored and the application must pass the Society’s standard affordability test.
  • Remortgage Purpose: 100% Staircase Shared Ownership to Let to Buy


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not consider remortgage applications with capital raising to staircase their Shared Ownership property and then Let the property on a Buy to Let basis with us.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we will allow capital raising on an applicant's current shared ownership residential property for the purpose of staircasing to 100% and take their ownership to 100% and then Letting the property.
  • Remortgage Purpose: Business Purposes


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not consider remortgage applications with capital raising for business purposes.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider a Buy to Let application when the reason for capital raising is considered for 'Business Related Purposes'.
  • Remortgage Purpose: Home Improvements (other property)



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can consider remortgage applications with capital raising for home improvements on another property owned by the applicant.
    This would be agreed on an exception basis and we would require quotes of the works to be completed.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we will allow capital raising for the purpose of home improvements on a property which is NOT the security property on Buy to Let applications.
  • Remortgage Purpose: Purchase Commercial Property


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not consider remortgage applications with capital raising to purchase a commercial property.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we will allow capital raising for the purpose of purchasing commercial property on Buy to Let applications.
  • Remortgage Purpose: Purchase Overseas Property


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not consider remortgage applications with capital raising to purchase a property overseas.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we will allow capital raising for the purpose of purchasing overseas property on Buy to Let applications.
  • Remortgage Purpose: Purchase share of freehold



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can consider remortgage applications with capital raising to purchase a share of the freehold.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider capital raising on a remortgage where the purpose of the funds is to purchase a share of the freehold
  • Remortgage Purpose: Repay Help to Buy and Let the Property


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not consider remortgage applications with capital raising to repay their Help to Buy equity loan and then Let the property on a Buy to Let basis with us.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we will allow capital raising on an applicant's current residential property that has a Help to Buy Equity Loan present for the purpose of repaying (IN FULL) their Help to Buy Equity Loan, take their ownership to 100% and then Let the property.
  • Remortgage purpose: Buy out (maximum LTV)


    80 percentage

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    80% LTV

    Criteria description:

    Indicates the maximum loan to value (LTV) we can accept where the BTL remortgage purpose is to raise funds to buy out a partner or other borrower. 
  • Remortgage purpose: Buy to Let Purchase (maximum LTV)


    75 percentage

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    75% ltv maximum

    Criteria description:

    Indicates the maximum loan to value (LTV) we will accept when the reason for capital raising is to raise funds to fund or part fund a buy to let purchase.
  • Remortgage purpose: Capital raise for BTL where property not yet found


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not consider remortgage applications with capital raising for a BTL property where a property is not yet found

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider remortgage applications with capital raising for a BTL property where the property has not yet been found. Essentially they want to put themselves in the position of a cash buyer with the funds accessible ready for when they find their property.
  • Remortgage purpose: Debt Consolidation (maximum LTV)


    Not Acceptable percentage

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Not acceptable.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates the maximum loan to value (LTV) we will accept where there is an element of debt consolidation on a remortgage application.
  • Remortgage purpose: Extending a lease



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can potentially consider capital raising on a remortgage where the purpose of the funds is extending a lease

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider capital raising on a remortgage where the purpose of the funds is extending a lease
  • Remortgage purpose: Gift money (maximum LTV)


    80 percentage

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    80% maximum

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we are able, and if so to what loan to value, accept BTL remortgages where the purpose is to raise money to make a gift (for example to children to help with school fees etc or where parent(s) might want to help their children buy their first home).
  • Remortgage purpose: HMO conversion back to standard residence


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not consider a remortgage application where an existing HMO property will be converted to a standard residence.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider a remortgage application where an existing HMO will be converted back to a standard residence
  • Remortgage purpose: Home Improvements (maximum LTV)


    80 percentage

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    80% maximum

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we are able to and if so to what loan to value, accept remortgages where the purpose is to raise money for property improvements.
  • Remortgage purpose: Land Purchase (maximum LTV)


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not consider remortgage applications with capital raising for 'Land Purchase'.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we will allow capital raising for the purpose to purchase land and if so up to what loan to value for Buy to Let applications.
  • Remortgage purpose: Lifestyle (holidays, car's, non essential spending etc)


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not consider capital raising on a remortgage where the purpose of the funds is lifestyle (holidays, car's, non essential spending etc)

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider capital raising on a remortgage where the purpose of the funds is lifestyle (holidays, car's, non essential spending etc)
  • Remortgage purpose: Medical expenses



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can potentially consider capital raising on a remortgage where the purpose of the funds is medical expenses

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider capital raising on a remortgage where the purpose of the funds is medical expenses
  • Remortgage purpose: Personal investments (not property related)


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not consider capital raising on a remortgage where the purpose of the funds is personal investments

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider capital raising on a remortgage where the purpose of the funds is personal investments
  • Remortgage purpose: Repay residential (Maximum LTV)


    80 percentage

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society has a maximum LTV of 80% when remortgaging with capital raising to repay their residential mortgage.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates the maximum loan to value (LTV) we can accept where the BTL remortgage purpose is to repay the customer's residential mortgage.
  • Remortgage purpose: School/Education fees



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can potentially consider capital raising on a remortgage where the purpose of the funds is education or school fees

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider capital raising on a remortgage where the purpose of the funds is education or school fees
  • Remortgage waiting period


    6 months

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    6 months

    Criteria description:

    Indicates the number of months we state a person must have owned a property before it can be considered for a remortgage application. 
  • Repayment (Capital & Interest)



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can potentially offer Buy to Let mortgages on a 'Repayment (Capital & Interest)' basis.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we accept mortgages on a Repayment basis (Capital & Interest) for Buy to Let applications.
  • Restricted Sale Price



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can potentially consider applications on properties that have a restricted sale price clause. We can potentially consider these clauses if the restriction falls away if we had to take the property into repossession.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially offer a Buy to Let mortgage on a property that has a 'Restricted Sale Price' clause.
  • Retrospective New Build Warranty



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can potentially consider retrospective new build warranties.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially lend on properties that have been issued with a retrospective new build warranty. These warranties were specifically not in place during the build phase but taken out at a later date following completion.


    Underwriter discretion on warranty. Would need to see a copy of the policy upfront
  • Returning to UK - Employed


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not accept applications from applicants who are returning to the UK and going straight into employment.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept Buy to Let applications from an applicant who is returning to the UK and going straight into paid employment. Critically, indicates if a lender will accept an employed applicant (with no current minimum length of time in UK employment) who is returning from a non UK address to the UK.
  • Returning to UK - Self-Employed


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not accept applications from applicants who are returning to the UK and going straight into self-employment.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept Buy to Let applications from an applicant who is returning to the UK and going straight into Self-Employment. Critically, indicates if a lender will accept a Self-Employed applicant who is returning from a non UK address to the UK and would essentially have zero UK trading history.
  • Sale and Rent Back


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not accept 'Sale and Rent Back' transactions.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept a sale and rent back transaction where the vendor sells the property (usually at a discount), remains in the property and pays a rent to the new owner.
  • Sharia Compliant Mortgages


    Not Available

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not offer Sharia compliant mortgages.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can offer Sharia compliant Buy to Let mortgages.
  • Simultaneous First and Second Charge


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not consider applications where there will be a simultaneous completion of a second charge.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept a Buy to Let application where there will be a simultaneous completion of a second charge.
  • Soft Footprint on Credit Search?


    No (Full Footprint)

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society leaves a full/hard search footprint when performing a credit search.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we will leave a 'soft footprint' when performing a credit search (as opposed to leaving a full/hard footprint on the credit file).
  • Solar Panels



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will potentially consider properties with solar panels where the solar panels form part of the freehold of a building.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept properties that have had solar panels installed.


    Where the solar panels are leased under an "airspace lease" the Solicitor will be required to ensure the lease does not negatively impact on our security.
  • Sole application joint proprietor


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not consider applications on a sole application joint proprietor basis

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider applications on a sole application joint proprietor basis. This is where a property will be jointly owned but only one person will be named on the mortgage and is distinctly different to the more common Joint Application Sole Proprietor where only one party would own the property but there are two named on the mortgage.
  • Source of deposit: Builders Deposit



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can accept this builders deposit.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we accept builder gifted deposits as an acceptable source of deposit for new build properties


    Acceptable providing the applicant puts the same amount of contribution in
  • Source of deposit: Concessionary



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Providing the correct amount of stamp duty is paid

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can accept applications that are considered a concessionary purchase
  • Source of deposit: Gift From Immediate Family



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Acceptable to bath Building Society.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can accept a gift from an immediate family member as an acceptable source of deposit.
  • Source of deposit: Gifted NOT from Immediate Family


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not accept this type of deposit.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can accept a gift as a deposit source outside of immediate family members such as a friend, employer or cousin for example.
  • Source of deposit: Loan from immediate family


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society is unable to accept deposits where the source is a loan from immediate family

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can accept a loan from an immediate family member as an acceptable source of deposit on a buy to let application.
  • Source of deposit: Mortgage on additional property



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Acceptable to bath Building Society

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can accept monies raised from the mortgage of an additional property as an acceptable source of deposit.
  • Source of deposit: Originated outside of EEA


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not accept this type of deposit.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if can potentially accept deposits that have originated outside of the European Economic Area (EEA) as an acceptable source of deposit.
  • Source of deposit: Redundancy payment



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can potentially accept a redundancy payment as an acceptable source of deposit.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates whether or not we will accept a redundancy payment as an acceptable source of deposit on a BTL application. 


    Subject to this being from a previous employment, and current employment meeting our criteria.
  • Source of deposit: Unsecured Loan


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not accept this type of deposit.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates whether or not we will accept borrowers source of deposit as a loan. For example a person is looking to put down a total 25% deposit and borrow a 75% mortgage. 5% of the total deposit is a bank loan.
  • Split Mortgage Terms



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can offer mortgages with split term durations

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider an application with a split term. For example, an applicant wishes to take one part of their mortgage over 25 years and another part over 10 years.
  • Standard BTL affordability assessment


    ICR based

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Basic rate taxpayer - Rent must cover a minimum of 125% of pay rate + 2% but must never be less than 5.5%*
    High-rate taxpayer - Rent must cover a minimum of 145% of pay rate + 2% but must never be less than 5.5%*

    *If the interest rate is fixed for a period of 5 years or more, rent must cover 125/145% of pay rate

    Criteria description:

    This relates to the potential rental calculation we will apply. 
  • Student Let Valuation


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not use the student Let rental valuation for affordability as opposed to the open market rental valuation.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially use the student Let rental valuation as opposed to the open market valuation to a typical tenant (family, couples, etc)
  • Telecommunications Adverse Ignored



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Utilities & mobiles ignored up to £250.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially ignore telecommunications adverse credit on Buy to Let applications.
  • Tenants: Asylum Seekers


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not consider applications where the property will be let to an Asylum seeker

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider applications from borrowers that wish to Let the property to an Asylum Seeker.
  • Tenants: Corporate Lets/Company Lets


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society do not accept properties that are to be Let on a Corporate/Company Let basis.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we an potentially consider applications from borrowers that wish to Let the property on a Corporate Let or Company Let
  • Tenants: DSS/Housing Benefit



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does accept DSS/Housing benefit tenants. Maximum 60% ltv and stress tested at 150%

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider applications from borrowers that wish to Let the property to DSS/Housing Benefit tenants
  • Tenants: Housing Association Lets


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not accept Housing Association tenants.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider applications from borrowers that wish to Let the property to Housing Association tenants.
  • Tenants: Letting whole property via AirBnB



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society allows borrowers to Let properties via AirBnB or similar on our Holiday Let products only.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider applications from borrowers that wish to Let the entire property via services such as AirBnB and similar.


    We would not accept this on our BTL or MUFB plans.
  • Tenants: Multiple Tenancies



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can potentially consider a Buy to Let application with multiple tenancies. Applicants would have to choose from one of our HMO properties.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider applications from borrowers that wish to have multiple tenancies on a Buy to Let property.
  • Tenants: Protected Tenancies


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not consider applications where the tenant enjoys a 'Protected Tenancy'.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider applications from borrowers that wish to Let the property to a tenant who is benefiting from a protected tenancy.
  • Tenants: Serviced Properties


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not consider applications where the property will be Let as a 'Serviced Property'.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept Buy to Let applications on properties that are considered 'Serviced Properties'. These are typically furnished properties that are Let on a short term basis and the rent covers all amenities including the rent.
  • Tenants: Student Lets?



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can potentially allow applicants to Let their Buy to Let property to Students.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider applications from borrowers that wish to Let the property to students
  • Tenants: Third Party/Company (where the third party/company is Sub-Letting the property)


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not consider applications where the property will be Let to a third party who will in turn Sublet the property.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider Buy to Let applications where the tenant will be (or is) a third party who pays a rent to the applicant and acts as the primary tenant but Sub-Lets the property. This is sometimes referred to as 'Rent to Rent'.
  • Transitional Arrangements Offered



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can potentially offer Buy to Let mortgages on a transitional arrangement basis.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially offer Buy to Let mortgages on a transitional arrangement as defined by the FCA under MCOB 11.8
  • Unadopted Roads



    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society can potentially consider a property with unadopted roads

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider a property with unadopted roads
  • Unauthorized Overdraft Charges


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not accept applicants that have recently had unauthorized overdraft charges

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we are able to potentially accept Buy to Let applications from applicants who have recently been charged for an unauthorised overdraft (either by exceeding their overdraft limit or by simply going overdrawn if they do not have an agreed overdraft limit). These unauthorised overdraft charges will likely appear on the clients recent bank statements.
  • Undervalue transactions


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society does not accept this type of situation.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept applications where the transaction constitutes an undervalue transaction.
  • Unemployed Applicants


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not consider Buy to Let applications for unemployed applicants

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider Buy to Let applications for unemployed applicants.
  • Visas: Family Visa (Spousal etc)


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not consider applicants that hold a family visa.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially consider applicants who hold a Family Visa. Types of Family Visas are spouse or partner, fiancé, fiancée or proposed civil partner, child, parent or relative who’ll provide long-term care for you.
  • Visas: Minimum number months remaining on visa


    We do not lend to foreign nationals on a visa

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not consider an applicant on a visa

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can consider an applicant on a visa and if so what is the minimum requirement (in MONTHS) that the applicant must have remaining on BTL applications
  • Visas: Working Visa (Tier 1 - Investors, entrepreneurs and talent visas)


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not consider applicants that hold a 'Tier 1' working visa.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept a buy to let application from an applicant that holds a Working Tier 1 Visa. These visas can be issued to Entrepreneurs, Exceptional Talents, Graduate Entrepreneurs, and Investors.
  • Visas: Working Visa (Tier 2 - Long-term work visas)


    Not Acceptable

    Criteria Policy Notes:

    Bath Building Society will not consider applicants that hold a 'Tier 2' working visa.

    Criteria description:

    Indicates if we can potentially accept a buy to let application from an applicant that holds a Working Tier 2 Visa. These visas can be issued to General workers who've been offered a skilled position in the UK, Intra-company Transfers, Ministers of Religion and Sportspersons.

Professional Intermediaries only

This section is for use by professional Intermediaries only.
If you are a customer, please visit our Mortgages section.