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Packaging Requirements


CategoryDocumentDocument RequirementsCertifiedMandatory at ApplicationDocument Link
All applicationsProof of IDPhoto ID – valid passport, photo or old style paper driving licence, shotgun licence/firearms certificate, latest notice of tax coding (less than a year old)YESYESID Verification Form
All applicationsProof of addressBank statement or utility bill (within the last 3 months) council tax bill or mortgage statement (latest year), driving licence (if not used as ID), solicitors letter (confirming house move within last 2 months)YESYES
All applicationsBroker’s signed declarationWe accept a signed Broker’s declaration confirming the ID has been verified, in place of sending certified copiesNOYESMortgage Application Form
All applicationsApplication formFully completed and signed application or Broker Online submission with signed declarationNOYESMortgage Application Form

Mortgage Declaration Form
BTL, MUFB & Holiday Let applicationsBTL DeclarationFully completed and signed additional informationNOYESBTL Additional Information Form
All applicationsEU citizensEvidence of share code from the .gov websiteNOYES
All applicationsBank statementsLatest month (3 months if LTV above 80%)NOYES
All applicationsDirect Debit mandateScanned copies are acceptableNONODirect Debit Form
LTD CompanyConfirmation of SolicitorSeparate legal representation and completion of our additional details form requiredNOYESLtd Company Additional Details Form
Ltd CompanyBoard resolutionMinutes confirming the Board agree to the loanNOYES
IVACompletion certificateCompletion certificate dated at least two years agoNOYES
BankruptcyCertificate of dischargeCertificate of discharge dated at least two years agoNOYES
HMOHMO LicenceFor HMO remortgages we require a copy of the licenceNOYES


CategoryDocumentDocument RequirementsCertifiedMandatory at applicationDocument Link
All applicationsProof of depositEvidenced from own sources. If gifted then a gifted deposit letterYESYES
All applicationsPurpose of loan (further advance/remortgage)For home improvements – builders quotes and estimates or planning permission, where applicable. Debt consolidation – evidence of most recent balance for debts to be consolidated including lender name and account number.NOYES
Gifted DepositGifted Deposit LetterCompleted and signed gifted deposit letter from immediate family.NOYESGifted Deposit Form
All applicationsExplanation for adverse credit historyPlease provide an explanation for any adverse credit history. This can be found in the additional information section of our application form.NOYES


CategoryDocumentDocument RequirementsCertifiedMandatory at ApplicationDocument Link
Employed applicantsPayslipsMost recent 3 consecutive months payslips (if paid monthly). 13 consecutive weeks if paid weeklyNOYES
Sole Trader applicantsSA302s3 years SA302s with corresponding Tax Year overviewsNOYES
LTD Company applicants (minimum 20% shareholding)SA302s and accountsSA302 with corresponding Tax Year overviews and 3 years Accountant verified accountsNOYES
Ltd Company applicants (minimum 20% shareholding)Business bank statements3 months business bank statementsNOYES
Residential applicationsProof of rental income3 years full tax returnsNOYES
BTL & HMO applicationsProof of rental incomeAST or valuer appraisal and 3 months bank statements showing rental income receivedNOYES

Additional Income

CategoryDocumentDocument RequirementsCertifiedMandatory at Application
Employed applicantsbonus/commission/overtimeLatest year P60NOYES
Maintenance incomeCourt order/CMS letter and bank statementsCourt order or CMS letter covering a minimum of 5 years, Latest 3 months bank statementsNOYES
Disability benefitAwards letterMost recent awards letterNOYES

Retirement Income

CategoryDocumentDocument RequirementsCertifiedMandatory at ApplicationDocument Link
Pension incomeEvidence of most recent pension statement, P60 or payslipNOYES


CategoryDocumentDocument RequirementsCertifiedMandatory at ApplicationDocument Link
Buy For UniProof of University placementAcceptance letter from the University or proof of student loanNOYES
RIOPower Of AttorneyWhere applicable, evidence of Power Of AttorneyNOYES
Right to BuyRight to Buy offerWhere applicable, please provide the Right to Buy offerNOYES

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Professional Intermediaries only

This section is for use by professional Intermediaries only.
If you are a customer, please visit our Mortgages section.