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Joint Borrower Sole Proprietor (JBSP)

Did you know Bath Building Society offers mortgages up to 100% of the purchase price with a joint buyer sole proprietor feature?

This is sometimes referred to as a family assisted mortgage, or guarantor mortgage, however our Residential and Buy for Uni mortgages with the Joint Borrower Sole Proprietor feature are not guarantor mortgages.

With a Bath Building Society JBSP mortgage, the purchaser would be the sole proprietor, meaning only their name would be on the deeds. However, other individuals can be included as Joint Borrowers on the mortgage, and their income and commitments will be assessed as part of the mortgage affordability assessment.

Our Buy for Uni mortgages work on a Joint Borrower Sole Proprietor basis, and allow you to rent out spare rooms in your property to help towards your mortgage affordability calculations. For a Buy For Uni mortgage, the Joint Borrower(s) must be a parent or guardian. With our Buy For University mortgage the applicant can benefit from tax breaks in respect of the rental income.

Here are some Frequently Asked Questions about Joint Borrower Sole Proprietor and how it works. Talk to one of our mortgage team today to find out more.

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