Mortgage selection tool
Are you looking for a mortgage but don’t know where to start? Use our selection tool to give us information about your circumstances and we’ll show you the mortgages that are right for you.
Are you looking for a mortgage but don’t know where to start? Use our selection tool to give us information about your circumstances and we’ll show you the mortgages that are right for you.
There are currently no Mortgages available for this category. You can browse other Mortgage types or try our Selection Tool.
Looking for a Buy for uni / student mortgage? View our range.
View matching productsThere are currently no Mortgages available for this category. You can browse other Mortgage types or try our Selection Tool.
These mortgages could be an option if you are worried about a poor credit rating. Rates and charges tend to be higher due to the perceived risk. However once you’ve found a solution and can prove regular payments, your credit rating will improve and you can consider a more competitive deal.
Looking for a Credit Repair mortgage? View our range.
View matching productsWe are not providing advice or a recommendation at this time. These are only suggestions based on your answers. Please get in touch with our Mortgage Advisors to discuss your circumstances on 01225 475730 or email:
Affordability calculator
Find out how much you can borrow with our affordability calculators.