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Confirmation of Payee explained

Confirmation of Payee (CoP) is a name checking service used by Building Societies and Banks to give people added confidence they are sending money to the right account by checking names and account details match the account holder. Confirmation of Payee is used when you or a third party makes a payment in to a Bath Building Society account using mobile or internet banking.

How Does it Work? 

When a payment is made into your Bath Building Society account, the sending bank will use the Confirmation of Payee system to check that the name and account number used matches your account details. There are four possible outcomes: 

  • Match – If you have used the correct account name, you will receive confirmation that the details match and you can proceed with the payment. 
  • Close match – If you have used a similar name to the account holder, you will be provided with the actual name of the account holder to check. You can update the details and try again or contact the intended recipient to check the details. 
  • No match – If you have entered the wrong name for the account holder, you will be informed that the details do not match and advised to contact the person or organisation you are trying to pay. 
  • Unavailable – This occurs when it is not possible to check the name, for example, due to a timeout, you have opted out, or if you have only opened your account within the last 48 hours. 

How do I make a payment into my savings account? 

Sole Personal Savings Account:    Select ‘Personal’ and use the full name the account holder 
Joint Personal Savings Account: Select ‘Personal’ and use the full name of one of the account holders 
Business Accounts: (Pension/Trust/Charity)  Select ‘Business’ and use the full name of the Business or Organisation  
Sort Code: 62-30-45 
Account Number:  00000000 (This is our NatWest account number) 
Reference: This is an 8 digit reference number, also known as your account number. It should be used in the reference section of your banking payment screen.

How do I make a payment into my mortgage account?

Sole Personal Mortgage Account:    Select ‘Personal’ and use the full name the account holder 
Joint Personal Mortgage Account: Select ‘Personal’ and use the full name of one of the account holders 
Business Mortgage Accounts:Select ‘Business’ and use the full name of one of the Business or Organisation
Sort Code: 62-02-05 
Account Number:  66358949 
Reference: This is an 8 digit reference number, also known as your account number. It should be used in the reference section of your banking payment screen.

  • What if I can't see the name of the person I am paying?

    There are times when Confirmation of Payee may not identify the person you are looking to pay. This might happen if:

    • The person you are trying to pay has only opened the account within the last 48 hours. 
    • You are trying to pay someone whose Building Society or Bank doesn’t use Confirmation of Payee.
    • The person you are trying to pay may have chosen to opt out of Confirmation of Payee. 

    If you can’t identify the person you are looking to pay, you can still make the payment, but always double check the account name and details are correct. If you aren’t sure, it’s worth double checking with the recipient before making the payment.

  • How is my information used when someone pays into my account using Confirmation of Payee?

    To ensure the Confirmation of Payee system works, your name and account number is used to match the information entered by the person making a deposit into your account. If you prefer not to participate in the Confirmation of Payee system, you can opt out. To do so, please contact our Savings or Mortgage customer service teams.


  • How can I check that a payment has been received in my Bath Building Society account?

    Payments are processed between 9am and 3.30pm on working days and take one working day to be deposited into your account. Here are some examples:

    • If you make a payment before 3.30pm on Monday, it will be deposited before 5pm on Tuesday.
    • If you make a payment after 3.30pm on Monday, it will be deposited by 5pm on Wednesday.

    If you are registered for Bath Online you can check whether a payment has been received. If you are not registered for the online service, please contact our Customer Service teams.

  • What can I do to protect myself against fraud?

    We’re here to help you stay safe and secure. To learn how to detect and protect yourself from fraud attempts please visit our Security & Fraud page.

  • Contact Us

    For more information, please contact the customer service team.