We will let you know the balance held in the account in the welcome letter.
We will write to you again at least 14 days prior to the maturity of this product to discuss your next options for saving your money.
If we cannot offer a similar product, if you do not want a new product, or you do not tell us what you want to do with your money, the account will transfer into an Instant ISA account at the end of the term. You can find out more about our Instant ISA account on our website.
This account allows for Additional Permitted Subscriptions (APS). This means that if a customer with an ISA dies, their spouse or civil partner can apply to use their allowance. You can find out more by talking to our customer service team.
This account is protected by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS). You should read your FSCS Information and Exclusions sheet for more information about how your money is protected.
This account is a savings account, not a payment account as outlined in the Payment Services Regulation 2017.
You should read our Savings Terms & Conditions and ISA Terms and Conditions document to fully understand how your account works.
We can close an account at any time if you act inappropriately, such as by using abusive language.
This account can be withdrawn without notice.