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Our AGM 2025 will take place at the Hilton Hotel, Walcot Street, Bath, on Monday 28th April at 2pm. Invitations to the AGM will be sent out with the AGM pack by post and email by the end of March.

Here you can view the terms of our Member Survey Prize Draw to win an overnight stay and dinner for two at The Bird hotel, a luxury hotel in central Bath.

Below is a summary of the results from the AGM 2024. The resolutions were passed based on votes received from our Members. You can read our Members Review of 2023 on the Latest Reports page. Thank you for voting.

AGM 2024 ResolutionsForAgainstAbstentionsWithheld /
1. To receive the Annual Report & Accounts8362380
2. To re-appoint PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as Auditors80647140
3. To approve the Directors Remuneration Report732109260
4. To elect Andrew Payton78452310
5. To re-elect Fionnuala Earley79056201
6. To re-elect Joanne Evans79649220
7. To re-elect Kevin Hayes78460230
8. To elect Richard Ingle79251240
9. To re-elect Tonia Lovell78263211
10. To re-elect Sameer Rahman77671191
11. To re-elect David Smith76961361
Total Number of spoilt votes4
Total Number of votes cast in 2024867

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