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Building a Sustainable Future

We are working hard to reduce the Society’s impact on the environment and build a more sustainable world for future generations. As a responsible mutual organisation, it’s something we’re passionate about. Our purpose is to help our Members live sustainable and financially resilient lives.

From our people and local communities to the environment, the Society has developed a clear approach to improving our sustainability performance. The Society’s initial focus is on reducing our direct Scope 1 and 2 carbon emissions by 5% each year over a five year period.

Responding to requests from Members for more support from the Society to help identify what energy efficiency improvements they could make to their home, we have brought improving environmental sustainability to the centre of our strategy. We are developing propositions to aid Members to make energy efficient improvements and reward them for doing this with lower cost finance.

Our goals

Windmills going into the distance

Our Sustainability Mission

Is to be a highly sustainable modern Building Society. We are working hard to reduce the Society’s carbon footprint by 5% each year and support our Members to live more sustainable lives by providing guidance and products to help them make their homes more energy efficient.

Planting trees

MoreTrees partnership

We are proud of our long standing partnership with MoreTrees BANES, improving the natural world in our community by planting projects in local public spaces. In addition to sponsorship, in 2024 colleagues volunteered to plant 1,200 saplings in local community spaces to celebrate the Society’s 120th anniversary.

Help us be a greener Society

We’re on a mission to become a paperless organisation. Sign up for the digital version of the next AGM pack by emailing

“The Sustainability & Community Steering Group is responsible for ensuring the Society is on track to achieve our sustainable vision, working towards identifying where our efforts are best placed to support the reduction of the Society’s carbon footprint. We recently played an active role in the Head Office refurbishment project to ensure sustainable features were incorporated when possible.”

Tiffany, Chair, Colleague Sustainability & Community Steering Group

Creating a tree nursery with More Trees

We are delighted to be the first business in Bath to host a tree nursery on its premises. Together with More Trees BANES, we have transformed the courtyard garden space at the back of our Wood Street Branch to grow crab apple and oak tree saplings from seeds collected locally by volunteers at More Trees.

Read the story